The Roles & Responsibilities of The Flexible Learning Teacher

The role of the Flexible Learning Teacher is principally to offer support to young people who need it, be it in the short term or the long term.  There are 5 roles which are:


  • Consultation with colleagues, external agencies, parents, etc
  • Planning learning and teaching to aid overcoming learning barriers
  • Identification and assessment of barriers to learning
  • Partnership working with specialist services
  • Continuing professional development and sharing expertise



There are many ways the SfL teachers do this and below are some examples.  The list is by no means exhaustive:

P7 to S1 transition

During this key stage, flexible learning teachers will liase with primary colleagues to ensure key, relevant information about pupils is shared so we can better meet their needs when they join us.

For those who require extra support, SfL staff offer periods of familiarisation with the high school building and routines as well as targeted support, eg chromebook tutoring.

Support with Literacy

BHS uses a programme called IDL and flexible learning teachers will assess which young people would benefit from using this computer based programme and support them to do so.

Flexible learning teachers will also support young people who are following alternative literacy pathways.

Support with Numeracy

BHS uses a programme called IDL to support leaners who find numeracy challenging.  Flexible Learning teachers will also take small numeracy groups to support young people who are following alternative numerical pathways.


Flexible Learning Teachers assess a wide range of barriers to learning including dyslexia, dyscalculia and working memory.  Flexible Learning teachers also assess reading and spelling ability in conjunction with overall literacy levels.  There are some barriers to learning which flexible learning teachers cannot assess but do offer support and advice on getting assessment.  These include autism, DCD, visual impairment, etc.

Exam Arrangements

If a young person has a recognised and evidenced barrier to learning then flexible learning teachers co-ordinate assessment to determine whether exam arrangements need to be put in place to ensure a “level playing field” in assessments.  Young people are not entitled to arrangements and flexible learning teachers are responsible for evidencing arrangements in various examinations.

Sharing Information

Each flexible learning teacher has a responsibility to share information about these young people with class teachers in order for them to help reduce the barriers to learning.  Flexible Learning teachers also share their expertise with teaching staff, for example differentiation techniques and understanding of barriers.

Flexible Learning teachers will also attend or share information about young people before Staged Intervention Meetings and consult with parents and outside agencies where required.

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