Tuesday Challenge!

Good Morning Team 13!

The blog and my emails were very quiet yesterday!  However I have logged on today to find another two pupils have sent me videos of them doing the Lockerbie Lake challenge!  I knew you guys wouldn’t let me down with that one!!

Ms McGuinness is working her way through putting all these photos and videos together.  So, if you still have anything from last week that you would like to send over please do, no later than tomorrow afternoon!

Thank you again to the P7’s who have sent me over photos of you in yours Leavers Hoodie.  Please remember I need an email (from your parents/carer) to give their permission, if you are wanting me to forward these on to Mr Campbell for the newspaper.

I have also added the link to Stonelaw High School’s P7 Transition Information Page.  They will be uploading new information each week, so keep checking their page!


Okay a double challenge for you today!

Challenge 1: Can you find ten items in your house beginning with the letter ‘C’

Challenge 2: Can you also find ten items in your house that are blue.

RULES!!! – You cannot have any items beginning with ‘C’ that are blue, and you cannot have any blue items beginning with the letter ‘C’.

Remember to send photos over or leave a comment on the blog with your lists.

Good Luck!

Miss M x

Weekly Work 11.5.2020

Goooood Morning Room 13!

First of all, please read the information bullet pointed below!

I want to start off by thanking each and every one of you for last week.  Your photos, the activities you completed, the positivity you showed all throughout the week and the smiles on the faces of the P7’s when they got their gifts!  I had the best day visiting all my P7’s and your families! You all (P6’s included!) did not let COVID ruin your ‘at home’ residential trip and I honestly could not be more proud of you!

  1. Have a look at the previous post, Mr Miller and Mrs Anderson have left messages for you.
  2. Any P7’s with pictures in their hoodies, please send them over to me.  I need an email from your parents/carers, giving their permission, if you are wanting Mr Campbell to send them over to the newspaper.
  3. Make sure you head over to Stonelaw High School’s Twitter Page as they are starting to post information about your transition to high school!
  4. Tuesday Challenge tomorrow at 10am!
  5. And Friday Check-In with me at the end of the week!

So it is back to reality this week, online work as usual with some fun PE and HWB activities too!  You have done so well balancing written and active work so let’s keep it up!

  • Daily 10
  • BMBT
  • Sumdog / Study Ladder
  • SPLAT (outside version!) Grab some chalk and write out the products of one of your times tables on the ground.  Make it huge so you have to move around outside even more!  Get a sibling or parent/carer to ask you the questions.  How many can you answer in 2 minutes?

I have uploaded 3 textbook pages as a chilli challenge, choose the level you think will challenge you!  Remember you can always do more than one activity!  These textbook pages cover broad number revision.

Maths Chilli Challenge (Mild)

Maths Chilli Challenge (Spicy)

Maths Chilli Challenge (Hot)

Tasks specifically for P6 and P7:

P6 – Doubling Numbers

Stonelaw Maths Exercise 6 & 7

Emoji Code Breaking Activity (P6 & P7)

Spelling Words

  • Dictionary Definitions
  • Rainbow Writing
  • Speed Writing
  • Sensory Spelling (Can you find items in your house to spell out each word? Like pasta in your kitchen or stones outside?!)

  • Film Review: Choose either your favourite film or a film you have never seen before and have a movie night!  Once you have watched it write a review, remember to include a summary of the film and your own opinion.
  • Write a recount of your Lockerbie Lockdown.  Summarise all of the activities you did and tell me which parts you enjoyed most.   You might want to add some pictures too!
  • Commonly Confused Words Worksheet
  • Punctuation Worksheet

Some investigation work needed for this one!  Look at the two pictures below.  The one at the top was taken on Week 1 of lock down.  Since then, the picture has sat in my front window (in direct sunlight) for 5 weeks.  Can you conduct some research to find out what has happened to my picture!

Picture 1: Taken on the 2nd April 2020

Picture 2: Taken on the 10th May 2020

Mental Health & Wellbeing Support | Hastings Voluntary Action

  • COVID Time Capsule
  • I would love for all of you to start working through the booklet linked above.  This is a booklet that you will be able to keep and share with others once we come out of lock down.  It is a great thing to keep and look back on in years to come!
  • Newsround (try taking the quiz at the end of the week)
  • Do you have any empty plastic containers in your house?  Try collecting some leaves or flowers from your garden.  Add these to a container filled with water and put them in the freezer.  Don’t these look amazing!
  • Remember to be super helpful around the house!  Two tasks to help the people at home this week.
  • And finally an art activity for this week, all you need is some coloured chalk and some tape!
  • Giant Mosaic Art: Chalk Art Mosaic for Kids & a Fun Outdoor Activity

Ms. Freeman's PHYS ED - Home

  • You have done so well getting yourself outside during our Lockerbie Lockdown so lets keep that up!
  • Another wilderness walk, is there somewhere close by that you haven’t visited yet?
  • Out on a cycle… it is a great form of exercise! Or why not a run?  So many of you did great with the 5K challenge… I have definitely found a love of running!
  • Circuits – Create 6 stations outside and complete each activity for 45 seconds.
  • Joe Wicks every morning at 9am!
  • South Lanarkshire Active Schools Twitter Challenges.

  • Create an information leaflet or poster about the USA.  Why should people visit America?  What does it have to offer?
  • Remember who your target audience is, if it is younger people (same age as you) you might want to add pictures and focus on fun places to visit!
  • If it is an adult… where would they prefer to know about?

Free France Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

  • Download to DuoLingo app and practice some of the basic French words each day.

I hope you all have an amazing week.  Ms McGuinness is currently putting together all the Lockerbie Lockdown photos and videos from Room 13 & 14, so I will share that with you when it is ready!

As always, if there is anything that I can help with, please just leave me a comment on the blog or send me over and email and I will get back to you ASAP.  You will have seen how happy I was to see so many of you last week, so please remember you can check-in with me at any time… I genuinely love hearing from you!

Lots of photos of your work this week please!

Let’s have an amazing week 😀

Miss M x



Guys, I have had the most amazing day visiting so many of you, to deliver your P7 leavers gifts today.

Please watch the video where I quickly talk about today and then… yes… it happened…

My version of getting soaked at Lockerbie is at the end of the video.

Did you notice I signed off today’s blog with ‘see’ you soon?

I will sign this off with…

I hope you have an amazing long weekend, please stay in touch and I will speak to you on Monday.

Thank you for an amazing day!
Miss M x

Lockerbie Lockdown: Day 3☀️

Gooooooood Morning Room 13!

Can I start off by saying your photos and videos from this week have made me laugh and smile so much… I cannot wait to share them with everyone.  Remember you can still send photos in right up until Friday.  The more the merrier!


Primary 7… Mr Campbell promised you that he, Ms McGuinness and myself had an amazing surprise for you all at the end of the week.

But… tomorrow is an in-service day and Friday is a holiday.  So… I guess today is actually the end of the week?!

Keep your eyes on the look out for your surprise today!

Anyways… moving on to today’s challenges!

CHALLENGE 1: THE LAKE CHALLENGE!  Super easy one… if you would like to see me recreate being ‘pushed in to the lake’, leave me a comment on the blog.

I need at least ten comments in order for it to happen.  So if you want it to happen, spread the word to make sure we get enough comments! Or if you want to be really really nice, like the lovely amazing pupils I know you are, you won’t comment at all! 😛

CHALLENGE 2: BUILD A FORT / DEN.  Try and collect some materials from your house to create your own den.  Make sure there is a roof just in case it decides to rain… you know what Glasgow can be like!

CHALLENGE 3:  TUESDAY CHALLENGE INSPIRED! Try and collect as many items from outside your house, starting with as many different letters in the alphabet.

CHALLENGE 4: TIME FOR A TREAT! This one is for the evening, if you have them, try roasting marshmallows over a candle.  If you have digestive biscuits and chocolate, you could try to make smores! (Remember to save me one!).  Might get a little bit cool in the evening, so remember to take a jumper outside with you.

Guys you have honestly done so well with these tasks.  I really do wish we could have gone to Lockerbie, we were all so excited to go, but I hope these tasks, my forfeit and your special surprise today, make up for it.

Enjoy your tasks today and I will see you soon.

Miss M x



Lockerbie Lockdown: Day 2🌈

Good morning everyone!💫

First of all, I wanted to share a message with you from Mr Campbell (just in case you didn’t see it on the app yesterday).

Primary 7 – It’s Mr. Campbell. I wanted to send you all a personal message to let you know that I am thinking about you all as I am aware we should have travelled to Lockerbie today. I expect some of you will be feeling a bit down in the dumps (myself included). Believe you me, if there was any way possible we could have went, myself, Ms McGuinness and Miss McKinnon would have made it possible! Clearly though we don’t want to be arrested by the Police and therefore we need to follow the rules.

I want you to know that although you won’t be going to Lockerbie, there will be many of other opportunities coming your way in the future that I am sure you will take them in your stride. Ms McGuinness and Miss McKinnon have put up a whole list of activities within the class blogs that they are very keen you try. Please email in as many pictures as you possibly can as I know they’re planning on doing something special with them.

AND to top it all off…look out for a very special something at some point this week. I’m saying nothing more just now but I am more than sure it will put a smile on your face …

Speak with you all soon! Keep smiling!

See the source image

I won’t pretend I wasn’t very sad yesterday, but some of your ‘Leaving for Lockerbie’ photos definitely put a smile on my face! Remember you can complete ANY of the challenges set this week on ANY day… so if you still want to send over your Leaving for Lockerbie photo or some pictures after a wilderness walk, I would love to see some more photos at any point this week!

Now the sun is already shining, let’s have a really positive day and try and complete some more outdoor tasks!

See the source image

Your challenges for today:

CHALLENGE 1: OBSTACLE COURSE WITH A TWIST.  Try to create your own obstacle course outside.  However, you will need help with this one because I would like you to try completing it whilst blind folded.  We would have done a guided obstacle course in Lockerbie, so why not give this one a go at home!

CHALLENGE 2: HAVE A PICNIC! The weather is suppose to be lovely today… grab yourself some food and enjoy the great outdoors whilst also enjoying a bite of lunch!

CHALLENGE 3: EVENING WILDERNESS WALK!  Some of the places you may have walked through might look different and even more pretty in the evening.  Head out on an evening wilderness walk and take some photos to share with the class!

Remember, we want to see everything you get up to this week.  We want to be bombarded with photos so we can feature you all in the big photo and video montage at the end of the week.

I would love some of you to film your attempts at the guided obstacle course!  I’m sure that would put a smile on everyone’s face!!!

I’m off to continue helping Mr Campbell and Ms McGuinness with… well… something special…

Have a great day Room 13!

Miss M x

⛺️Weekly Work 4/5/20☀️

Gooood Morning Room 13! ❤

Please watch the video below, before reading through the rest of the blog.

I have uploaded two activity grids to help fill your week with Residential trip inspired tasks:

Residential Trip Home Learning Activity Sheet (1)

Residential Trip Home Learning Activity Sheet (2)

I have decided that I am going to upload a couple of challenges and it is up to you if you would like to try one… or all of them!  This is definitely a week to challenge yourself, let’s try and get as many people involved as possible!

See the source image

Your challenges for today are:

CHALLENGE 1: Take a picture of you ‘heading off to Lockerbie’… you will see from mine I definitely do not pack lightly! 📷

CHALLENGE 2: Sports challenge: Maximum Rallies! For this challenge you need a tennis ball and one member of your family (if possible!)

Throw the ball back and forth between you and your partner (or off a wall if you are doing this by yourself) and see how long your rally can last.  Count your rally and post your longest one in the comments section.  Can you get more than 100?! To make it more of a challenge, take one step back after each rally. 🎾

CHALLENGE 3: Head on out on a Wilderness Walk (of course only to places you are allowed to go!) and take some amazing Wilderness Photos with plants and animals or show us your most adventurous photo!  We went to the golf course today and it was beautiful! 🍃 💐 ⛅

Some general revision, covering all topics this week.  I will post the answers to all of these on Wednesday.  Again, any issues or if you are struggling with how to solve any of the questions, let me know!

Triangles and Squares

Circles and Rectangles

P6 – Addition and Subtraction

Stonelaw Exercise 5

Multiplication Challenge

  • BMBT
  • Sumdog / Study Ladder
  • Beat The Teacher (Home Edition)
  • Countdown

Choose 2 tasks from the list below to complete:

  • Dictionary definitions
  • Opposite hand
  • Speed writing
  • Rainbow writing

  • Keep a diary of all the activities you do each day, remember to add lots of detail!
  • Create a persuasive writing piece about ‘why a residential trip for P7 pupils is important’
  • P6’s can you write a persuasive writing piece about ‘why PE is important for all school pupils’

See the source image

  • PE with Joe Wicks
  • Newsround – watch this each day and take the quiz at the end of the week.
  • Gardening (the weather is suppose to be lovely this week)
  • Tasks around the house to help out the family!
  • Make a new poster for you window… who else could we thank for all of their hard work during this time?


I hope you guys all have an amazing week.  I know it is not how it was planned to be but I’m sure we can make this the best Home Residential Trip there has ever been!

Remember the more photos and videos you send… the better the video montage at the end of the week will be.  We want as many people featured in it as possible so please spread the word around Room 13 that I am looking for everyone’s help!

Please get your suggestions in for recreating the Lockerbie Lake from home!  The sky is the limit with your suggestions for this one 😛

Missing you all loads and cannot wait to see what you get up to this week.

Let’s have an amazing Lockerbie Lockdown Trip!

Miss M x


Friday Check In!

Gooooood Morning Room 13 & Happy Friday!

First things first… leave me a comment on today’s blog to check in with me and everyone in Room 13! 

A quick Hi or Hello would be great from everyone… or let me know what you have been up to this week!  Remember to remind everyone by spreading the word that we are checking in again today!

Second of all… I have to say a huge well done to everyone who has completed my 5K Challenge.  You should be so proud of completing this, I have asked Mrs McGarvey to share this with everyone on Twitter (without the emojis covering your lovely smiley faces!)


So proud of each and every one of you staying so healthy and active at home!

I have added some of the amazing work you guys have done this week and honestly I am blown away by your amazing efforts during this lock down.  You are all working so hard, balancing lots of school work with amazing creative and active tasks too!  You guys are doing so so well… so keep up the amazing effort!



I’ve been sent some amazing recipes to try so will need to get myself to the shops to buy some ingredients to give these a go.

See the source image

Answer Sheets for this weeks work are uploaded below!

Maths Answer Sheet    (All groups and Stonelaw exercises)

Equivalent Fractions (Page 2)

Nouns & Verbs (Stars and Planets)

Nouns & Verbs (Suns)

USA Comprehension Answers (Stars)

USA Comprehension Answers (Planets)

USA Comprehension Answers (Suns)

Missing all of you so so much, but honestly could not be more proud of everything you are managing to do at home.

Stay happy, healthy and safe and make sure you are looking after one another.

Have an amazing weekend everybody and I will speak to you on Monday.

Miss M x



Please remember on Friday we will have another Room 13 check-in, so try your best to leave a comment on the blog to say Hi!

Well done to everyone who has completed the 5K challenge! I am looking for a couple more photos of people with their signs so I can send it over to Mrs McGarvey to share on Twitter.

Hope you all had a great start to the week and are ready for today’s Tuesday challenge.

See the source image

Okay the difficulty of today’s challenge will depend how long your name (first and second name) is!  So if you have a really short name this will be super easy and if you have a longer name… well… it’ll take you a bit longer.


You need to find items in your house, one for each letter in your first name and each letter in your second name.  Now if you are like me (my second name has THREE ‘N’s in it)… you would need to find three different items beginning with ‘N’.

I have put an example below for you.  Again I would love a mixture of comments on the blog and photos.  Can you lay them out in the order of your name and send me a photo?


3… 2…. 1…… GO!

Here is my list… lets see your!

Best of luck.

Miss M 🙂

Weekly Work 26.4.2020

Happy Monday Room 13!

I hope you had a lovely weekend.  First of all remember that the 5K challenge is running right up until this Friday.  A huge well done to those who have completed it… remember to send me over your photos when you have finished it too!

Image preview

Some new tasks for you to try this week, including some French which Miss Mailley has sent over for you.  I have been speaking to Miss Mailley and Mrs Harkins over the weekend and they say a BIG HELLO to you all.

There is a text book page for each group to try.  This is general number revision.  If you would like, please feel free to try other groups textbook pages too if you want a little bit more maths practice.  There is also a revision worksheet for P6 and P7.  P6’s we are going back and looking at measurement and P7’s we are going back to revise fractions.

  • DAILY 10
  • BMBT


SHM5 Number Revision

Reading Scales

(We looked at this topic at the very beginning of the year, see if you can read each of the scales on the worksheet)


H6 Number Revision

Squares & Triangles

SHM7 Number Revision

P7 Revision Topic

Equivalent Fractions

(Remember you must multiply the numbers from the left to the right and you must multiply the top and bottom by the SAME NUMBER)

P7’s I have added the next two exercises from the Stonelaw Transition Booklet too if you would like to give them a try.  Remember, try exercises A and B… and if you feel you could manage more challenging questions try exercise C.  For Ex4. you may need to research some of the terminology used!

I have filmed a help video as some of you were slightly confused with how to complete these activities.  You can find the link below:



Spelling Focus for this week: Spelling Words

Tasks:  Write a silly sentence using each word, opposite hand, pyramid writing.

I have also added in a Grammar worksheet for you to try this week.

Nouns and Verbs Worksheet (Stars and Planets)

Nouns and Verbs Worksheet (Suns)

  • Reading comprehension passages following on from your research about the USA Olympics last week.

USA Olympics Comprehension (Stars)

USA Olympics Comprehension (Planets)

USA Olympics Comprehension (Suns)

  • Continue reading The Explorer… try your best to be reading at least two chapters a week.
  • Newsround news articles to keep up to date with stories around the world.
  • https://readon.myon.co.uk/library/browse.html
  • The above website is a great places to find loads of free online books too!

Writing Clip Art - Images, Illustrations, Photos

  • If any of you have been baking since we closed I would love you to write out the recipe you used and send it to me to try!  Remember the layout of a recipe and you may want to add pictures too.  This weekend I made Oreo brownies and they were DELICIOUS!
  • Image preview
  • Write a discursive writing piece about one of the following statements.  Remember with discursive writing you have to put forward the arguments for and against and then you share your own opinion at the end.
  • “Sports is the best hobby a child can have.”
  • “Weekends should be 3 days long.”
  • “Every child should be allowed to have a mobile phone.”

See the source image

  • Remember your 5K challenge: to try and complete 5K of running, this can be spread over the whole week and send me a photo of you holding your I completed my 5K challenge sign (I have emailed this to you) when you have finished it.
  • PE with Joe… I will be doing this every day this week!
  • Active Schools Weekly challenges on Twitter.
  • Try and complete these exercises by spelling out your FULL NAME!
  • Image preview


Now this should be a fun one!  I need you to start collecting lots of recycled materials around your house.  A big thank you to one of the Room 13 pupil’s who suggested this project 😀

First I would like you to go and conduct some research about USA landmarks.  Now we did loads on this in class so this should just be a recap for you.  I would like you to choose a landmark of your choice and try and built your own replica of it using recycled materials!

Now this will take time… the plan was to do this as a big project after Easter.  So start this week by choosing your landmark and planning out what materials you need and how you are going to build it.  These will look amazing with time and effort!


See the source image

  • Remember to be super helpful around the house… at least two tasks to help out your family!
  • Watch Newsround each day and take the quiz at the end of the week.
  • Mindfulness colouring is a great way to help you relax if you are a little stressed.
  • Get out into the garden and try this activity with your family:

Image preview

  • Or you could try Wellbeing Bingo.  Give everyone in your family a copy of this sheet and see who completes the most tasks by Friday!

Image preview

See the source image



If you need any help with anything you know just to leave a comment on the blog or send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  I love hearing from you so please feel free to check in with me at any time during the week.  Remember to send me over photos of your work so I can share them on Friday.

Remember 10am Tuesday challenge tomorrow and it’s going to require a little bit of work… but I know you will definitely be up for the challenge!

Friday check-in again this week.  It was amazing to hear from so many of you… it’s great to see how busy you all are but more importantly that you are all safe and healthy 🙂

Have an amazing week everyone and will speak to you soon!

Miss You Loads!

Miss M x

Friday Check In 🌟

Happy Friday Room 13!

First thing to do is let me know how you are! Leave me a comment… it can be a simple “Hi” or “Hello”… or you can leave me a message with how you are feeling and how your week has been 😁

Let’s see how many pupils from Room 13 we can get commenting today! Remember to spread the word with everyone in class that we are doing a full Room 13 check in today!

Thank you for sending over all your amazing work this week, it looks like you have been super busy 👍🏼 I have posted some work below from the last two weeks of online learning, but if you have anything else that you would like me to share, please send it over to me today and I will add it to this post.

Some amazing home learning from the week before Easter:

Image preview

Some very colourful and creative artwork:

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Very creative finds for the last two Tuesday Challenges! I was very impressed that 8 of you completed this weeks Tuesday Challenge within an hour of it being uploaded to the blog… GREAT WORK!

Image preview

And some amazing home learning done this week!  I loved some of the facts you found about the USA Olympics!  Lots of outdoor activities completed this week too… INCLUDING A 20K cycle!

Image preview

Image preview


Remember you can also submit your 5K challenge photos today and I will also extend this for another week in case you didn’t get a chance to complete but would still like to take part! Please check your Glow email for information about this if you haven’t already.

Mr Campbell has also left you all a comment under the Tuesday Challenge Blog post, I’m sure he would love it if some of you were to leave him a reply 🙂

Thank you for all of your amazing work, positivity and kindness this week.  I hope you are all staying happy and healthy at home ❤️

Have a great weekend and I will speak to you all on Monday.

Miss M x

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