A Bit of Number

The primary ones have been practicing their number formations in lots of different ways. They listen to stories, use craft materials, sand, whiteboards, shaving foam, playdough etc.

The other children have progressed onto numbers to 100. They have been using loads of practical materials to make tens and Units numbers, they love the interactive whiteboard games and place value basketball game on Topmarks. they have been working in pairs with playing cards and 100 squares to practise their numbers.

They love number games like Snakes and Ladders and are are really good at taking turns.

When I Grow Up….

Children are often asked what they would like to be when they grow up. These ideas often change as they get older, but for now these paintings show what job they would like to do.

They were so good at painting in the classroom. Really great listening and careful work.

They have been enjoying role playing a few different jobs through play in the classroom and outdoors. A lot of different jobs in the hospital area, builders in the blocks, sand and Kapla and a spot of fishing in the water tray are just a few examples.

As the term goes on we will be discussing more jobs and having some parents in to tell us about their work.

Drawing Club

Yesterday we had our first go at Drawing Club this session. The children absolutely loved the story of Splat the Cat and his first day at school. These are their drawings showing Splat riding his penny Farthing bike to school.

They really liked the story ‘Brenda is a sheep’. The ‘sh’ letters and words made Brenda be more and more sneaky.

Our First Day Back

The children were delighted to find a hospital area in the classroom to play in. Lots of jobs to do and great fun. Lots of the new p1’s told us last year that they are keen to be doctors or nurses when they grow up.

We got some time to play outdoors in our ‘Zone’. The weather was lovely and there was great excitement watching the tractor cutting grass in the field behind the school.

A few snaps of the children having their lunch. A great success and what lovely manners.

The children loved having the opportunity to explore and play with all the lovely things in the classroom. We are very lucky at Whiteness to have such an amazing learning space.

I loved all our class photo shots so thought I would just put them all on here rather than choose just one.