Category Archives: visits

Chris and Jet visited us at school.

Chris Lewis, and Jet the dog, came to visit and tell us all about their journey and why they are in Shetland.  We had great fun speaking to them and asked lots of questions and told LOTS of stories!!!!

They are walking the coastline of the UK to raise money for, and awareness of, SSAFA.  This is the charity that provides lifelong support to serving men, women and veterans from the British Armed Forces and their families or dependents.  SSAFA stands for Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association, Chris used to be a paratrooper!!!!!

So if you come across Chris and Jet on their travels, please say hi, maybe donate money to their charity (if you are able to do so) and offer them a cuppa.  They love to meet new people and find out about all the different areas that they are visiting.  If you’d like to follow their story then you can find them on Chris Walks the UK on facebook.


Firefighters visit the school!!


On Friday the 27th of September, 2 firefighters from Hillswick came to visit our school.  Their names were Toby and Jeff.

They spoke  to us about how they help us and we saw their fire engine and some of the equipment that they use.

We liked the big cutters and the really loud sirens.  The fire engine was cool!!!

We even got to try on a jacket, helmet and gloves.  The nursery and big class came out to see them as well.

Miss Laurenson was allowed to use the walkie-talkie and she got Cassie to go outside and slide down the fireman’s pole.

We said thank you very much to Toby and Jeff for coming in to visit us.

Cal Major Paddle Boarder


Today Cal Major, a vet and paddle-boarder, visited our school to tell us about her adventures paddle-boarding around the Isle of Skye. Amazing!

Cal took 12 days to travel around the island. She slept in her tent on the beaches at night. She saw many amazing and beautiful sights on her journey but also some that made her sad. Many of the beaches were covered in plastics.

Cal is passionate about reducing the use of plastics. She told us that the oceans give us half of our oxygen and how important it is to look after them, not just for ourselves, but also to protect marine wildlife.

We thought of lots of ideas for reducing or recycling plastic such as: re-use plastic water bottles or use a metal one; use glasses or pottery cups; re-use plastic bags or use cloth ones; use paper straws; and pick up litter from the beaches.

We really enjoyed Cal’s visit and hope she can come back to see us again.


Developing the Young Workforce

We have had lots of very interesting visitors to the school this week.  Claire Herridge and Jolene Johnson came in to speak to the pupils on Monday about what is involved in running a café.  The pupils were able to see the huge range of skills they are learning at school that they will need in the future.

On Thursday Dr Chevonne Angus came into the school to give pupils a description of her work at the NAFC and to tell pupils about the huge variety of courses and careers that the NAFC supports.

P4 – 7 are thinking about all the skills needed for work that they are learning at school and have started folders titled Developing the Young Workforce.

STEM event at Mareel, Thursday 20th September

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Mrs O’Neill has been running our science club since we started back after summer.  The work done in class and at the club formed a display which the bairns were able to speak about to judges and visitors.

Anderson High School senior pupils led some chemistry, physics and biology activities and My World of Work let us try programming robots!

Our 2 teams took part in a series of 6 STEM challenges which included

  • designing a plane which would hit the target
  • building a buggy which would scoot across the floor
  • designing and building a bridge across a gap
  • problem solving to unlock a box using a magnet to get the (unnecessary for a diesel engine) sparkplug
  • identifying renewable and harness-able energy
  • following instructions to create a jumping frog

We may not have won any trophies but we had a fantastic day!