Category Archives: Customs and Festivals

27.3.24 Noah’s Ark!!! Growing rainbows!!! Capillary action!!!

In class we read the story of ‘Noah’s Ark and the first rainbow’.  This gave us the idea to try to create our own rainbows.

We set up cups of coloured water then dipped the ends of kitchen roll into each one.  It was left overnight and we saw that the colours had climbed up the kitchen roll and stopped when they met the other colours.  We saw that the green and blue worked the best, although the green looked more like yellow.

In this experiment, we used coloured pens to make stripes at the ends of the kitchen roll then put them into water.  We watched the colours move really quickly up and along the kitchen roll to create a rainbow.  It moved so fast it was like a ‘stampede’.

Clan Coffee Afternoon

We had a very successful and fun coffee afternoon to raise money for Clan Cancer Support.  The P4 -7 class did a great job of setting up the hall and running the raffle.  We made a grand total of £393.50 for the charity.  Thanks to everybody who baked and was able to come.