Category Archives: recycling

6.3.24 Sailing boats and surface tension

We made sailing boats with a cardboard base then added sails.  Wind power was used to get them to move.  Passengers were added as an extra challenge.


We also spoke about surface tension on the water and made cardboard boats that could move by themselves when placed in clean water!

Cal Major Paddle Boarder


Today Cal Major, a vet and paddle-boarder, visited our school to tell us about her adventures paddle-boarding around the Isle of Skye. Amazing!

Cal took 12 days to travel around the island. She slept in her tent on the beaches at night. She saw many amazing and beautiful sights on her journey but also some that made her sad. Many of the beaches were covered in plastics.

Cal is passionate about reducing the use of plastics. She told us that the oceans give us half of our oxygen and how important it is to look after them, not just for ourselves, but also to protect marine wildlife.

We thought of lots of ideas for reducing or recycling plastic such as: re-use plastic water bottles or use a metal one; use glasses or pottery cups; re-use plastic bags or use cloth ones; use paper straws; and pick up litter from the beaches.

We really enjoyed Cal’s visit and hope she can come back to see us again.