Category Archives: community

Clan Coffee Afternoon

We had a very successful and fun coffee afternoon to raise money for Clan Cancer Support.  The P4 -7 class did a great job of setting up the hall and running the raffle.  We made a grand total of £393.50 for the charity.  Thanks to everybody who baked and was able to come.

Urafirth Fun Day

The children had an amazing time at the Fun Day yesterday.  The whole school was involved from nursery to P7.  Among the attractions there was a water slide, sports, slime, soft play, camping, circus skills, candy floss, waffles, etc etc!

Everybody was really tired by the end of the day but we all agreed it had been super fun.  Alex from the Ability Shetland was able to come and help us with the candy floss and den building.

It feels like a good end to the year given the current restrictions but we are hoping we can have a Summer Fayre next year and hopefully some fundraising at the beginning of the next session.