Screenplay-Wallace & Gromit

On Friday 31st August primaries 4-7 went to Mareel to see the film “Wallace & Gromit-The Curse of the Were Rabbit!” Afterwards we listened to an interview with Nick Park and then we were able to ask him questions about the film and his work.  This is what we thought about it:

I liked the film, it was really funny-Fearne

I liked the Were Rabbit the best-Anders

I had seen it before but its still amazing!-Kathryn

It’s a really funny film-Liam

It was really interesting listening to Nick Park telling how he made the characters and I like Wallace best-Iona

I really liked Hutch, the rabbit version of Wallace-Matthew

I liked the bit where Gromit made the puppet lady rabbit do the funny dance-Ava

I liked all the cute little bunny rabbits and I liked hearing how they made the movies-Esther

I liked seeing the real Wallace and Gromit models but was surprised they were so small-Fergus

I liked hearing all the questions and the answers to them-Fiona

I liked hearing how the films were made-Isla

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