Digital Skills

Use this link below to access graphics from the Northern Alliance that provide help and support for accessing and using Glow:

Digital Help & Support – The Northern Alliance


E-mail address for Glow Support:    – for ‘supporting online learning for teachers.’

The Microsoft Educator Center (tile on Glow) provides access to a large number of courses

Microsoft  education channel:

Glow email

Access Glow Email


Creating a new MS Team

How to create a Team site in Glow

How to join a Team site in Glow

Remote Learning webinar which covers:

  1. O365: How to get started with Microsoft Teams
  2. How can I access important files when I am not in school?
  3. How do I hold video meetings with students or other staff?
  4. How am I best running remote leaning?
  5. How can I monitor what work my students are doing?
  6. How can I give feedback on projects that my students are working on?
  7. How can I mark or grade work that students have completed?
  8. How can I help my students if they are stuck?
  9. How can students still work collaboratively even if they are not in the same place?
  10. How can I make engaging quizzes and games for my students?

Working within your class team  


OneNote Resources Links

Microsoft Forms

Glow Blog

Adding a post to the school website