Supporting Learning At Home

There are a range of activities on our Teams page.  Please go to the General area, click on the files tab and look for the Supporting Home Learning folder. Most of these activities will have been covered or completed in class however, some children may find it useful to revisit these at home and if your child is not able to attend school they may want  to engage in the activities taking place in school (only if they feel well enough to do so).  Resources saved in any other folders are still to be taught in class and we ask that these are not introduced at home.


Remember to keep reading a variety of books at home.  Please share what you have been reading with us in class – we love to hear your  recommendations.

Spellings with be put on the blog and Teams each week and it would be useful to practice these at home.  There will be a set of ‘root’ words then 2 levels of challenge. e.g. play – playing – playground.  Please choose one option for each word to practice each week.  It might be that you choose all your words from the root word list.  You might choose 6 from the root word list and choose challenge words for the last 2, it’s up to you.  This will be discussed and clarified in class each week.

Look, Cover, Write, Check spelling game

Conjunction bingo: t2-e-2450-years-3-and-4-grammar-conjunction-challenge-game_ver_2


Multiplication games for the iPad:  Convoluted   Times table speed test       BBC Bitesize     Table master    Multiplication tile crash       Hit the Button

Simple games at home:   Roll 2 dice and multiply the numbers.      Or       Choose 2 cards from a deck and multiply them.

Multiplication bingo:


(Please note that we are revising the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables and introducing/teaching the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables in P4)


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