World Thinking Day

It was lovely to be back in school together today. We focussed on the theme of peace for World Thinking Day. We read the story ‘Five Minutes Peace’ and discussed what peace means. We talked about symbols of peace then we used our fingers to paint either a dove or a rainbow.

World Thinking Day 2021

The theme for World thinking day 2021 is peacebuilding. By standing together for peace we will stand strong, stand up and stand together for peace.  We have explored this theme in class today.

Primary 3 you look very smart in your various uniforms today. We are very impressed by all of the badges you have earned.

Well done!

Keeping Connected 19th February

Happy Friday P3! Click on the video below to hear about your mental challenge, today’s tasks and some reminders about returning to school on Monday. We are very excited to see you all again! Scroll down this post for today’s story links and the things you need to remember for Monday. Have a super weekend!

The Day the Crayons Quit Story

The Empire Strikes Back Part 1

The Empire Strikes Back Part 2

Reminders for back to school on Monday! 🙂

  • Indoor shoes
  • Water bottle & snack
  • Packed lunch/order school lunches
  • No toys from home



Good morning, Primary 3!

We hope you had a lovely holiday with your families and didn’t eat too many pancakes!

Here is a little message for Thursday and if you click on the link below you will hear that. There is also a run down of today’s tasks if you are following the daily timetable.

If you are looking for extra Numeracy tasks go to the  Education City website and try,”Fraction like an Egyptian” and use your knowledge of halves and quarters to work out the answers. ( First Level * ). If you have forgotten your login details for Education City ask your teacher for them.

Have a lovely day!

From Miss Finlayson, Mrs Belleville and Mrs Wilkinson.


Keeping Connected 11th February 2021

Morning Primary 3! Hope you’ve been enjoying the snow over the last few days. Send your snowy pictures to your teacher – we’d love to see you having fun! Click below for today’s video. The link to our story video is near the bottom of this post. Have a brilliant holiday & take care.

Check back here on 18th February for our next daily video. 🙂


Click below to listen to Zog.


Good morning to everyone in Primary 3 !

What a cold day it is today. Click on the link below to find out what your tasks are for today if you are following the timetable on Sway.

Mrs Belleville will explain part 2 of your writing task. This will focus on language features for narrative writing. Mrs. Wilkinson will talk you through  fun Problem Solving and Art activities. If you would like to do the Mental Agility task then Miss Finlayson will explain it to you and then you can have a go yourself. Remember where you see the  pause symbol    ||     you could stop the video to do the task.

You can do today’s activities in any order that suits you and your family.

Have a lovely day.



Happy Monday, Primary 3!

Good morning. Click on the link below for your Monday message and a guide through today’s tasks on Sway if you are following the timetable at home. You can complete the tasks in any order.

If you are unable to view the Mental Agility tasks at home then please go to the Home Challenge ideas section of the P3 Blog to see the tasks.

Remember you can go to the Education City website using your personal login details if you would like to improve your numeracy skills.

Try,“Aisle be back” or ,”Multiplying by 4″ to play some fun games.

Have a lovely day!



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