Hello Primary 3 !

Click on the link below and Miss Finlayson will guide you through Wednesday’s activities on Sway.

At the end of the video you will find the Mental Agility challenge for today. This is a quick activity to help you to warm your brain up before you do your Numeracy activity.

  • Pause the video if you need more time to look at the dart boards and write down the scores.
  • If you want to challenge yourself even more why not time yourself then do it again and see if you can work the answers out quicker?


Keeping Connected – January 25th 2021

Good morning Primary 3 !

We hope you had a lovely weekend and had lots of fun playing in the snow.

Mrs Belleville and Miss Finlayson have been enjoying watching all of your Scots poetry recitals. Please keep sending them to us if you have not already done so. We would love to see them.

Click  on the link below to hear your Monday  message from Miss Finlayson. In it you will hear about the activities you could do in your Home Learning today. You can also find out what today’s challenge is. (  A written version for this is on P3 Home Challenge  page ).

Happy Burns Day !

Keeping connected – 21st January 2021

Happy snow day Primary 3 !

I hope you are enjoying the amazing snowy scene we have woken up to this morning again.

Please keep sending Mrs Belleville and Miss Finlayson your fantastic poetry recital videos. We are really enjoying hearing and seeing your versions of the poems. It is fun exploring the Scots language when we learn the poems.

Today’s Thursday challenge for P3 and their families is to do a little more exploring of the Scots language – with a little twist.


Click on the two links below to hear Miss Finlayson’s  Thursday message for P3  and to find out more about the challenge.

Where will your wellies take you?




Keeping Connected – 20th January 2021

Morning P3! Hope you are all well & having a lovely week.

Click on the link below to hear a message from Mrs Belleville then scroll down for details about the Riddle Challenge.


Our challenge today is about riddles.

Read the riddles below then solve them to see which things you need to try and find on your next walk. Remember the answers should rhyme! Have fun!

Thistle challenge – 19th January 2021

A good morning message for Primary 3 from Miss Finlayson.

Good morning Primary 3. Your Tuesday challenge is to make a thistle  from natural materials that you find outdoors. Maybe you will find these things in your garden or maybe when you are on a woodland walk. You can get your family to join in if you like.

Your teachers would love to see your thistles and you can do this by sending us your photos or videos.

Remember when you have taken your photos and videos to return the materials to roughly where you found them. This helps us to look after the environment and be sustainable.

It’s good fun taking your learning outdoors.

Click on the You Tube link below to hear Miss Finlayson’s message to you.