Thinking about 6

In our Problem Solving activity today we had to think what the number 6 meant to us.  We came up with lots of things like the shape of the number, like an upside down 9, six objects and even the colour green.

We then used counters to make 6 in different ways and discussed the fact that it does not matter what order the counters are in. We still arrive at the answer 6.

Being able to make numbers in different ways can help us with our counting.

Take four…

As part of our work on gratitude, we did an activity where we had to think of 4 things each time. We wrote down the 4 best things we had done in class in the last week as well as the 4 best things about our class. We enjoyed hearing everyone’s thoughts! We have lots to feel grateful for 🙂

Amazing you. Amazing me.

Some of us have been trying hard to cope with new challenges. A lovely story we shared in class was, ” Amazing Grace” by Mary Hoffman and Caroline Binch.

In the story Grace puts her mind to doing something and she achieves it. She even becomes Peter Pan in a play; taking on the leading role.

We thought about what we want to achieve in P3 and many of us wanted to become better readers, be able to join up our handwriting, learn more times table  or be able to solve trickier problems.

Will we manage to do it?


As a gentle start to the term we drew an alien character, labelled our diagram clearly then we wrote a description about it. We tried to think of adjectives to make our descriptions interesting.

We also had a little bit of fun playing with our aliens before writing about them.


Creating characters

We have been creating our own characters. Then we labelled their features and tried to use some very interesting adjectives.

As a class we made up a wordbank that we used to help us with our spelling.

We then used our labelled drawing to write a character description. We worked very hard on this task and many  of us are managing to join up our handwriting now.

We really enjoyed being able to share our writing with a partner and doing Peer Assessment. It was fun to read someone else’s description.