Our spelling pattern for this week is short I. We made our words with plasticine and challenged ourselves to adding more to the word and making it longer eg pin pinning pinned.
Gym, mystery and system are also on our list. Why is that ?
Our spelling pattern for this week is short I. We made our words with plasticine and challenged ourselves to adding more to the word and making it longer eg pin pinning pinned.
Gym, mystery and system are also on our list. Why is that ?
We are learning about magnetism. We had great fun testing if different objects around our classroom were magnetic or not. We also learned about the poles of the magnet and that opposite poles are attracted to each other while the same poles repel each other. We felt how strong the force is when the magnets were repelling each other.
We are enjoying our book The BFG by Roald Dahl. We used watercolours to create different shades of colour. We painted our dreams in our dream jars. Then we looked at some of the words that Roald Dahl made up & created our own dream names.
We did some coin rubbing to help us to become familiar with the coins to 50p. Then we created Money Men. We enjoyed using the metallic crayons to do our rubbings.
What value will each Money Man be ?
Mrs Reid let us explore the magnets then we had to draw a picture and surround it with pieces of pipe cleaner.
When the magnet was close to the pipe cleaner it stuck to the magnet.
Why do you think this happened ?
Click on t he link above to see some of the questions we asked and answered about magnets.