Category Archives: School Blog

Being Photographers and Climbers at Muirshiel Country Park!

Primary 4/5 had a fantastic day at Clyde Muirshiel Country Park, being out in nature and exploring.

Firstly, we took a walk along the Old Mine Track and were being Professional Photographers. Our challenge was to take pictures of three different topics, wildlife, flowers and a landscape picture, thinking about what people would like to see and if we were to sell them people would buy. Just like a professional photographer would do.

After a short break to recover, we set out to climb Windy Hill and explore even more. I am proud to announce that everyone made it to the very top of Windy Hill, which is 316 metres high!

After having lunch with a view, we climbed back down the hill and done some final exploring (with some of splashing in our wellies) before it was time to get back on the bus home.

Science with P4/5

P4/5 became teachers for a day! They were sharing their learning on electricity and building electrical circuits with P2. They all had a great time and were enthusiastic to learn from each other. So much so that they asked if next time P2 could be the teachers. Here are some of their comments on what they learned…

Kameron- “That lightning is electric.”

Leo-“Learning about all the symbols.”

Iain-“Static electricity made my hair go up.”

Alfie-“How to wire light bulbs up.”


Active Schools Clubs

Please see below the timetable for our Active Schools clubs this term. All clubs will start next week, beginning Monday 29th April.

You will see from the flyer that morning and lunchtime clubs will now operate on a drop-in basis (with the exception of dance on a Friday morning) so there is no need to sign up for these, however, all other clubs require you to sign up online in the usual way. If you need any help in signing up or use of a computer to do so, please see your child’s class teacher or Miss Munro and we can arrange this for you.

A reminder that all of our clubs are free, and along with Cochrane Castle, we are the only schools in a position to offer this opportunity to all of our pupils free of charge.

Easter Extravaganza!

We hope you have all enjoyed a sunny Easter weekend and managed to spend some time outdoors having fun!

Last week, our Parent Council organised our annual Easter Extravaganza which was a great success! They raised £140 which will help fund our whole school summer trip in June!

Well done to the winners of our Easter bonnet, guess the number of sweets in the jar and guess the bunny’s birthday competitions! We also had class raffles that were drawn on Thursday and the winners were: Aiden, Iain, Rebecca, Preston and Keiran! Thanks to Logan’s mum once again for donating the fabulous Easter baskets as prizes – what are we going to do without you next year when Logan is in high school?!

Here are a few photos of the Easter Extravaganza and some of our winners!

P3 Outdoor learning day!

The great outdoors is a place where learning can take diverse shapes and forms. Take a look at how Primary 3 strengthened their numeracy and maths skills.

The pupils came in to class this morning to plan their own day, working within their Co-operative learning groups.

We set up for the day by gathering the resources that the pupils needed and wanted to take. They decided to spend before playtime in the school grounds and then over to Rannoch Woods after play time.

What are we going to do?

“We are going to make 3D shapes using twigs, sticks and clay” – Lily-Anne

“I’m going to make arrays to help me multiply” – Chichi

“I’m going to build a town using 2D and 3D shapes”- Jakub

“If we make shape art we can look at making lines of symmetry and then look to see how many angles are in the shape” – Ryan

What did you enjoy about Outdoor learning day today?

“I enjoyed building 2D shapes” – Hannah

“I enjoyed making a pyramid because it was quite tricky and I wanted to add more sticks. I had to make sure it had at least 4 sticks”- Gemma

“I enjoyed making a person out of clay, sticks and stones. I tried my best to make it symmetrical” – Stephen

“I was learning to do multiplication using arrays and also gems” – Josh

“I was measuring and counting I used the trundle wheel to measure long distances” – Kristian


Tinkering in Primary 1

What is tinkering?

“Tinkering is about making things or fixing thinks with basic tools. It is a hands-on practical activity, that  children just love. Why do children love it? Because they’re using real tools – not toys – real tools. They’re being trusted to follow instructions, work safely and make fun things!”

Primary 1 have added a Tinkering table to their classroom this week and today had their first delivery of electrical equipment to explore. We used a range of tools to open up a DVD player and even stripped the wires down to see what was inside. There was lots of great team work and discussions going on! If you have any broken electrical equipment, tools, nuts and bolts or any other loose parts that you could donate we would be very grateful.

Sharing the Learning – Numeracy

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Numeracy Sharing the Learning event today. It was great to see everyone joining in and learning together. 89% of our guests rated today as Excellent  and the remaining 11%  rated it Very Good. If you couldn’t make it along today or if you still have some questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

These P1 pupils used a variety of materials to create a cul-de-sac – they told Mrs Berry all about cubes, prisms and the design process. They loved sharing their learning with their family and showing off their skills in the classroom environment.  We’re sure they have a future in architecture!