Category Archives: Assembly

Assembly 22/11/19

We were joined at assembly this week by Melissa who is our new Places2Be school counsellor. She told us all about the Places2Talk service and answered all of our questions. To allow your child to participate in this service, please return the letter that came home last week. If you have any questions or need a new form, please contact the office.

Our pupils of the week were celebrated by our whole school for demonstrating our school values in their daily lives and being great role models. We are very proud of them.

Our Star of the Week shared his recent achievements as a member of Thorn Athletic and the recognition he received at his recent Football Presentation. We love to hear about our children’s achievements outside of school – please encourage your child to share their successes with us at our weekly celebration assembly.

Some of our upper school pupils treated to us to a performance of a song called ‘I am Amazing’ which they had been looking at as part of Anti-Bullying week. The rest of the school loved it and picked up on some of the very important messages in the song.

Finally, we were treated to a fantastic story read to us by Kerry from West Johnstone Early Learning and Childcare Centre. She brought along the classic story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea to share with us and mark the end of Book Wek Scotland 2019. A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us by joining us to read or coming along to our events. We hope we have encouraged you all to make a little more time for reading in your day.