P3 Outdoor learning day!

The great outdoors is a place where learning can take diverse shapes and forms. Take a look at how Primary 3 strengthened their numeracy and maths skills.

The pupils came in to class this morning to plan their own day, working within their Co-operative learning groups.

We set up for the day by gathering the resources that the pupils needed and wanted to take. They decided to spend before playtime in the school grounds and then over to Rannoch Woods after play time.

What are we going to do?

“We are going to make 3D shapes using twigs, sticks and clay” – Lily-Anne

“I’m going to make arrays to help me multiply” – Chichi

“I’m going to build a town using 2D and 3D shapes”- Jakub

“If we make shape art we can look at making lines of symmetry and then look to see how many angles are in the shape” – Ryan

What did you enjoy about Outdoor learning day today?

“I enjoyed building 2D shapes” – Hannah

“I enjoyed making a pyramid because it was quite tricky and I wanted to add more sticks. I had to make sure it had at least 4 sticks”- Gemma

“I enjoyed making a person out of clay, sticks and stones. I tried my best to make it symmetrical” – Stephen

“I was learning to do multiplication using arrays and also gems” – Josh

“I was measuring and counting I used the trundle wheel to measure long distances” – Kristian