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100 days to go sample social media posts FINAL

EUSS Project Info sheet Scotland (NEW)

EUSS presentation – LAC and care leavers

The EUSS is a scheme created to guarantee that European nationals and their family members will be able to continue to live, work and study in the UK after Brexit and to be able to carry on enjoying their rights, such as free access to public health care, education and public funds. There is a deadline of June this year for applications to be made and it is possible that you may not yet made an application for settled status.

If an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen and their family members have lived in the UK for many years or have a permanent residence document or EEA Biometric Residence Card (BRC), they still need to apply to the EUSS (or apply for British Citizenship) by 30 June 2021 to continue to live and work in the UK.  An application must be made for every eligible child within a family. Parents should apply on behalf of their children even if they have already applied and been granted a status themselves.

The attached information provides some information that you may find helpful.

Mrs Henry