What will I be learning in P3a
Our teacher is Mrs Campbell
Our PE days are: Monday and Friday
In primary 3 we will use our increasing knowledge of vocabulary, phonics, punctuation and grammar to read a wider variety of texts with understanding and to improve fluency and expression in our oral reading. In reading lessons we will be increasingly able to identify the characters, setting and plot in fiction and the main ideas and purpose of a non-fiction text. We will become more skilled at asking and answering relevant questions and discussing and assessing ideas in greater detail with the teacher, a partner (for example, in ‘Buddy Reading’) or in a large group.
Using the class library we will independently select different types of material to read, illustrate and share in weekly book reviews and presentations.
In writing we will use a variety of stimulating contexts to write extended personal and imaginative stories and have wider experience of writing a purpose in reports, letters, notes, fact files, diagrams and posters.
In maths we will begin to investigate how whole numbers are consructed to 1000. We will learn the link between a digit, its place and its value.
We will use addition and subtraction (adding and subtracting mentally to 20 and above), multiplication and division when solving problems and we will know how to use the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.
We will develop our knowledge of measurement of time: hour, quarter to, quarter past; of fractions: half, quarter, third, sixth; of length: metre and half metre; and of weight and capacity: kilogram, half kilogram, litre and half litre.
We will also learn to read and create simple tables, charts and diagrams.
In all our lessons we will keep as a focus the practical application of knowledge and skills. For example, in using the class shop: tally marking daily lunch orders, adding money collections, measuring areas for games, collecting and using questionaire data from other classes.
This year we will be observing marterials and how they can be changed. We will investigate what happens when things are heated and melted. Carrying out experiments on the world around us will enable us to learn more about forces and magnetism. We will use our skills of observation to examine the world around us and learn about how our senses help us to understand our world.
This years topics are:
The Romans
Enterprise and Finance
Energy and Forces
Healthy Minds
Eco – Food and the Environment
Gods Loving Plan
This year we will be developing our skills in games, dance, ball skills and gymnastics.
Ethos and Wider Life of the School
In Primary 3, we will:
Give whole school presentations at Assembly time using costumes, role-play, songs and poems to illustrate learning after our topics.
Contribute to fund-raising for the MISSIO, UNICEF and Mary’s Meals