Primary 4b


What will I be learning in P4b

Our teacher is Mr McKay

Language is about communicating.  We will enjoy reading novels, information texts and poetry and use these as a basis for discussion and prediction, considering intentions and feelings.  In primary 4 we are encouraged to read texts that we find interesting and enjoy.  We are learning that to read with fluency and expression understanding that it makes our reading more interesting for the listener.
We will be provided with a variety of different resources to deepen our understanding of how different texts are presented.  We are also learning about the importance of note taking and selecting relevant information from the text that we read.  We will write in a variety of genres producing leaflets, posters, fact files and personal projects.  Throughout Primary 4 we use a variety of methods to help plan our writing including mind mapping and we will use VCOP to improve and develop our wtiting skills.  We will also use writing checklists to assess our own and each others work.  We will learn to speak with confidence in a variety of situations from presentations to reading Scottish poetry at our St. Andrew’s Day concert, taking time to consider our audience, the purpose, pace and tone.  We will develop our listening skills in a variety of ways such as, listening to visiting speakers and through the use of video clips.

There’s a lot to maths, shape, position & movement, number, money & measurement and information handling.  In primary 4 we will cover, Place Value, Fractions, Time, Money and Shape, we will also ensure that we are confident with the process of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.  We will be looking at the different strategies that help us in our mental calculations and we will be encouraged to find ways of solving problems in our heads, including the learning of our multiplication tables.  We will undertake active maths activities which help us build on our existing knowledge and give us an understanding of the role that maths has in our everyday lives.

This years topics are:
The Vikings
The Human Body
Electrical Circuits
Anti Bullying
Eco – Plants and Food chains
Gods Loving Plan

This year we will develop skills in games, creative and Scottish dance, gymnastics and athletics.

Ethos and Wider Life of the School
At St. Catherine’s we are very proud of the many ways that we help other people, develop awareness of our world and learn to be responsible citizens.
In P4 we will:
support UNICEF and take part in Day for Change
develop knowledge about our rights and responsibilities by contributing to the school, maintaining its Rights Respecting School status
support MISSIO during the season of Lent
celebrate our Confession and First Holy Communion
participate in decision making within the classroom about our learning

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