Primary 7 Information


What will I be learning in P7

Our teacher is Miss Duddy

Our PE days are: Wednesday and Friday

Language is about communicating. We will enjoy reading novels, information texts and poetry and use these as a basis for discussion and prediction, considering intentions and feelings. We will be further developing reading detective roles. We will be taught reading skills during focussed reading sessions and will look in detail at a class novel ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ set during wartime Britain. We will learn to read aloud using expression and fluency through reading and assessing our classmates. We will write in a variety of genres producing leaflets, scripts, menus and personal projects along with persuasive articles using specialist vocabulary. We will learn to speak confidently in a variety of situations from class presentations to assembly presentations taking time to consider audience, the purpose, pace and tone. We will learn to develop our listening skills whilst listening to visiting speakers and through using video clips and will develop our ability to take notes when using internet sources.

There is a lot to maths including Mental maths, position and movement, number, money & measurement and information handling. We will investigate maths in the world of work. Our active maths will continue using practical maths work cards, tarsia cards and online software such as Interactive Maths Resources, Espresso and Education City.

This years topics are:
Wars – Then and Now
Natural Disasters
Health Eating
Enterprise and Finance
Anti sectarianism
Substance Misuse – Drugs
Eco – Water
Eco-Sustainable Energy
Eco – Sustainable Transport
Gods Loving Plan

This year we will be developing our skills in hockey, badminton, Scottish dance, athletics and gymnastics.

Ethos and Wider Life of the School
At St. Catherine’s we are very proud of the many ways that we help other people, develop awareness of our world and learn to be responsible citizens.
In P7 we will:
Be caring and responsible with our P1 buddies and lead the ‘Buddy Stop’
Take care of our children across the school as wet play monitors
Have responsibility as members of the ECO Committee and Pupil Council
Help raise money for SCIAF, UNICEF and Mary’s Meals
Contribute to developing the school garden and playground
Have the opportunity to be part of Enterprise clubs.

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