What will we be learning in P1
Our teacher is – P1 Miss Armstrong
Our PE days are:
Tuesday and Wednesday
We’ll learn to read lots of different text. We will develop our sight vocabulary and read with fluency and expression. We’ll learn to find specific information from different texts. We will look at books and listen to stories being read to us.
We’ll learn to write in different ways paying particular attention to the correct use of capital letters and full stops. We’ll focus on sequencing our writing to make sure it makes sense. We’ll learn to speak confidently when we give talks, do assembly presentations and take part in the and Christmas Nativity Show. We’ll learn to think about our audience, why we are talking, how quickly we talk and how interesting our voices sound. We’ll extend our listening skills through the use of musical and recall activities.
There is a lot to do in maths! Shape, position and movement, number, money and measure and information handling. We will be learning to work with numbers to 10 and to add and subtract confidently to 10. We’ll work with money and will consolidate our knowledge of 2D shapes and 3D objects. We’ll be learning to measure time, weight and length using standard units. We’ll look at maths in the world of work.
This years topics are:
This year we will learn how to behave safely in the hall. We will develop our skills in dance, games, gymnastics and ball handling.
Ethos and the wider life of the school
At St. Catherine’s we are very proud of the many ways that we help other people, develop awareness of our world and learn to be responsible citizens.
In P1 we will:
Take part in the school Christmas celebrations.
Take responsibility for saving energy by switching off lights and help to care for the school garden.
Help to raise money for MISSIO, UNICEF and Mary’s Meals.