We know people were sexually active throughout the pandemic, but research showed that young people were resistant to accessing sexual health services for fear they would be reprimanded for not adhering to COVID restrictions. The Health Improvement team produced this short video to highlight to young people that they could still access sexual health services through the pandemic.
Please feel free to share this with young people so they know how and where to access sexual health services. https://biteable.com/watch/2871779/0bd2adcb00d2fb289e9d5ab8dd36960c
Education Scotland have produced a series of Wakelets to signpost you to information and resources on the following topics; domestic abuse, relationships, improving gender balance and equalities and children’s rights to name a few. You can access these through the HWB Wakelet.
Rosey Project – Support and Prevention Programme for young people at Glasgow Rape Crisis. Young people must book an appointment online or by phone 0141 211 8130.
Sandyford Sexual Health Clinics
From the 26th May 2020 sexual health clinics for young people, 13-17 years old, will be available at Sandyford Central. |