Category Archives: Primary 2E

Week Beg 24th Aug – Flu letter and P.E., P2J, P2E


Your child will have received a letter for the flu shot today. It would be greatly appreciated if you could complete this letter and return it to the school by the end of the week.

Outdoor learning will be a focus this year, so children should come to school appropriately dressed for the weather every day. As PE is now going to be outdoors, children do not need to bring a PE kit. They should come dressed in suitable clothing and footwear for this each day. Our PE days will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. However, we may also be outside at other points throughout the week, regardless of the weather.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Gilbert and Miss Frew.

Welcome Back!

Good afternoon,

Well done to all of our Primary 2’s – what a busy couple of days we had and we hope you enjoyed your first two days!

Here are a few reminders:

  • Please ensure all personal belongings are clearly labelled.
  • No book bags required in school at the moment. Please keep these at home until further notice.
  • In class the children should bring only water to drink (flavoured water is ok). Juice can be drunk at break and lunch. As our water coolers are now being used, your child will only require to bring one water bottle. Please be aware that any unnamed water bottles will have to be disposed of, if left in class, due to council guidelines.
  • We are a nut free school therefore we would  ask that you please be mindful of the snacks the children are bringing to school.
  • One snack is only required and we would appreciate if this could be kept in your child’s school bag rather than their lunch box.
  • Please remind your child in the morning if they are having a packed lunch or will require a school lunch. School lunches, at the moment, are a choice of a ham, cheese or tuna sandwich. We will update you if this changes. Please help your child to choose their option.
  • As we will be doing more outdoor learning, please dress your child appropriately for this. If it is a hot day, please apply sun cream to your child before coming to school. If your child is bringing sun cream with them, please ensure they can apply this independently.

Please remember to keep checking our blog as we will regularly be updating you with our class news. If you have any messages for your child’s teacher, please direct these to Bishopton Inquiries as letters can’t be sent from home.

Many thanks,

P2 Teachers

Teams page

Boys and girls, our technical difficulties are over! 🙂

Our team page is back! I will post our tasks on there from tomorrow. We can also organise a call now 🙂

Can’t wait to hear from you all!

Week Beginning 22/06/20

Hello, Primary 2,

Welcome back after the weekend. We hope you have had a lovely break. This is our final week of Primary 2 and the school year 2019/2020. 😊 We would like to take this opportunity to say we are so proud of all of you. This year has turned out to be different from what we all expected but you have all coped so well. You have worked hard and showed great determination to continue with your learning.

As it is the last week in school we want it to be as fun and as stress-free as possible. We have organised a week full of activities leading up to a Teddy Bears’ picnic party on Friday. Each day there will be a new task relating to our picnic. Below is a timetable of the different activities.

We hope you enjoy this week. 😊

The final week of Primary 2! 😊
Preparing for a Teddy Bears’ Picnic
Each day the teachers will post exemplars to give you inspiration.
We would love it if you could attach photos each day of the different tasks. Please do not worry if you are unable to manage this. 😉
Day of week Task Guidance
Monday Invitations Can you write some invitations for your picnic. You can use the example provided or write your own. If you are creating your own remember to include:

·              The date of the picnic

·              The time of the picnic

·              Where the picnic is going to be

·              Who is hosting the picnic/who the invitation is from

·              How would you like them to reply (RSVP)

And remember
– 5 finger rule

Tuesday Creating your menu. We would like you to create your own menu for the picnic. The items you choose may not be what you have on Friday but what you would like.
The menu you should also have at least 2 options for people to choose from. You can use the example menu for inspiration.
Wednesday Design a placemat Today’s task is to create a placemat for each of the guests who will be joining your picnic. This is a chance for you to be as artistically creative as you like. We will also post some examples for your inspiration.
Thursday Prepare some food for the picnic Today we would like you to follow a recipe and create something to eat for your picnic. By following a recipe you will be carrying out some maths through measuring your ingredients. This can be something simple such as a pasta dish or even baking a cake. We will also show you some examples of recipes you could follow.
Friday Teddy Bears’ picnic The day has finally come! You can have your magical Teddy Bears’ Picnic. Why not listen to the Teddy Bears’ picnic music while enjoying your food.


Monday 22nd June

Good morning P2E 😊,  right now the IT department are still working really hard to have our teams page up and running again.

For today, your task will be posted here. If you have any problems just send me an email. You should all still have access to those. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Monday’s post

Can you write some invitations for your picnic. You can use the example provided or write your own. If you are creating your own remember to include:
– The date of the picnic
– The time of the picnic
– Where the picnic is going to be
– Who is hosting the picnic/who the invitation is from
– How would you like them to reply (RSVP)
-5 finger rule

We would love to see your invitations. If you can, send in some photos of your invites.

I have hopefully attached the examples to this post.


Example invitation

Blank Invitation

Blank invitation 2


Under Construction Sign Clip Art

There is a current issue with the P2E Team at the moment. IT are working really hard to get it sorted as soon as possible. Miss Frew wanted me to let you know she is sorry she couldn’t have your team call today but will hopefully reschedule for Monday.

Have a good weekend and fingers crossed it is all fixed for next week!

Week Beginning 15/06/20

Hi P2,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend. Last week the teachers were given the happy news that the school would be open to them. This week some of the Primary 2 teachers will be in school sorting out the classrooms and getting them ready for next year. This does mean at some points during the week your teacher may not be on your teams page. However, there will always be a teacher available to you. A teacher within the school will cover the teams page. You will not be left on your own.  😊

This week our spelling rule is “aw” and your spelling rule words are

  • claw
  • paw
  • draw
  • yawn

As we have completed the common words for Primary 2 there will be none in your spelling. However, if you would like to refresh your memory here are the common words below
INSTRUCTION: Fry's First 100 Words (With images) | Preschool sight ...

We would also like to take the opportunity to say how proud we are of all of the children. You have continually impressed us by engaging with your online learning and unfaltering motivation. Please remember,

  • Just do whatever you can. We have set some of the work we would usually be doing on those days in school but please don’t feel you need to do it all. We understand that everyone has different circumstances and daily routines. We would be happy if you checked-in with us every day.
  • We sometimes set different levels of tasks .e.g. mild, warm and hot. We always say to complete one of these, however, if you want to keep yourself busy feel free to do more than one.
  • We will continue to have Team Meetings throughout the week.  If you can join us, that would be great. These meetings give everyone a short time to share their news/feelings and hear each other’s voices. I know we really enjoy them and hope you do too.
  • Uploading work: If you are having any problems uploading any work, remember you can always email them to us. Or just let us know on Teams that you have completed the work and we trust that you have!
  • Feedback for your work: We look at your work once it has been submitted/uploaded and give you feedback. Please read the feedback to check for your strengths and next steps.
  • Technical Difficulties: Sometimes documents, powerpoints and weblinks do not work when you try them on your device. Please let us know and we will try to advise you. The sound on some links doesn’t seem to work when it opens in Internet Explorer so another web browser (Chrome) would be better.
  • Chill-Out Zone: Please remember to chat with your friends here. We are loving all of the creative and funny things you are doing in this zone. Please remember not to post personal photos or videos in this area. GIFs and emojis only.

Finally, keep trying your best and we will continue to be happy teachers.

Home Learning W.B 8/6/20

Good morning everyone,

We hope that you had a lovely weekend.

This week our spelling sound is ‘au’ and our words are:

  • fault
  • haunt
  • launch
  • sauce

Next week as part of our Lighthouse Keepers Lunch topic, there will be an activity to make a pully like the one Mr and Mrs Grinling use in the story.  For this activity you will need a string and something to attach to it. The string could be wool, lace, ribbon and the attachment could be a cup, basket or anything of the sort.  We wanted to give you some notice for this to source materials.

Below are some reminders for home learning:

  • Just do whatever you can. We have set some of the work we would usually be doing on those days in school but please don’t feel you need to do it all. We understand that everyone has different circumstances and daily routines. We would be happy if you checked-in with us every day.
  • We sometimes set different levels of tasks .e.g. mild, warm and hot. We always say to complete one of these, however, if you want to keep yourself busy feel free to do more than one.
  • We will continue to have Team Meetings throughout the week.  If you can join us, that would be great. These meetings give everyone a short time to share their news/feelings and hear each other’s voices. I know we really enjoy them and hope you do too.
  • Uploading work: If you are having any problems uploading any work, remember you can always email them to us. Or just let us know on Teams that you have completed the work and we trust that you have!
  • Feedback for your work: We look at your work once it has been submitted/uploaded and give you feedback. Please read the feedback to check for your strengths and next steps.
  • Technical Difficulties: Sometimes documents, powerpoints and weblinks do not work when you try them on your device. Please let us know and we will try to advise you. The sound on some links doesn’t seem to work when it opens in Internet Explorer so another web browser (Chrome) would be better.
  • Chill-Out Zone: Please remember to chat with your friends here. We are loving all of the creative and funny things you are doing in this zone. Please remember not to post personal photos or videos in this area. GIFs and emojis only.

Thank you for your continued support,

Team P2


Home learning w.b. 01/06/20

Hello Primary 2,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend 🙂

Here are a few wee reminders to help settle your minds as we come back from the holiday.

  • Just do whatever you can. We have set some of the work we would usually be doing on those days in school but please don’t feel you need to do it all. We understand that everyone has different circumstances and daily routines. We would be happy if you checked-in with us every day.
  • We sometimes set different levels of tasks .e.g. mild, warm and hot. We always say to complete one of these, however, if you want to keep yourself busy feel free to do more than one.
  • We will continue to have Team Meetings throughout the week.  If you can join us, that would be great. These meetings give everyone a short time to share their news/feelings and hear each other’s voices. I know we really enjoy them and hope you do too.
  • Uploading work: If you are having any problems uploading any work, remember you can always email them to us. Or just let us know on Teams that you have completed the work and we trust that you have!
  • Feedback for your work: We look at your work once it has been submitted/uploaded and give you feedback. Please read the feedback to check for your strengths and next steps.
  • Technical Difficulties: Sometimes documents, powerpoints and weblinks do not work when you try them on your device. Please let us know and we will try to advise you. The sound on some links doesn’t seem to work when it opens in Internet Explorer so another web browser (Chrome) would be better.
  • Chill-Out Zone: Please remember to chat with your friends here. We are loving all of the creative and funny things you are doing in this zone. Please remember not to post personal photos or videos in this area. GIFs and emojis only.


The spelling sound this week is “ur”

Your words are

  • burn
  • hurt
  • turn
  • curl

We have now completed all the common words we need for Primary 2 and we have also revised some particularly tricky ones. Over the next few weeks we would like you to choose 4 that you find tricky and want to practise on your own.

Finally, keep trying your best and we will continue to be happy teachers.

Primary 2 teachers 🙂

Week Beginning 26th May

Hi P2,

We hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend.  We want to say to all of you and your parents, you are doing an amazing job at interacting and engaging with your schoolwork through Teams.  On Wednesday, we have our sports day. Keep an eye out on your Teams page for information on what it will look like 😊

Here are a few wee reminders to help settle your minds as we come back from the holiday.

  • Just do whatever you can. We have set some of the work we would usually be doing on those days in school but please don’t feel you need to do it all. We understand that everyone has different circumstances and daily routines. We would be happy if you checked-in with us every day.
  • We sometimes set different levels of tasks .e.g. mild, warm and hot. We always say to complete one of these, however, if you want to keep yourself busy feel free to do more than one.
  • We will continue to have Team Meetings throughout the week.  If you can join us, that would be great. These meetings give everyone a short time to share their news/feelings and hear each other’s voices. I know we really enjoy them and hope you do too.
  • Uploading work: If you are having any problems uploading any work, remember you can always email them to us. Or just let us know on Teams that you have completed the work and we trust that you have!
  • Feedback for your work: We look at your work once it has been submitted/uploaded and give you feedback. Please read the feedback to check for your strengths and next steps.
  • Technical Difficulties: Sometimes documents, powerpoints and weblinks do not work when you try them on your device. Please let us know and we will try to advise you. The sound on some links doesn’t seem to work when it opens in Internet Explorer so another web browser (Chrome) would be better.
  • Chill-Out Zone: Please remember to chat with your friends here. We are loving all of the creative and funny things you are doing in this zone. Please remember not to post personal photos or videos in this area. GIFs and emojis only.


The spelling sound this week is “ir”

Your words are

  • dirty
  • whirl
  • first
  • stir

Your common words this week are

  • where
  • were
  • wear

Finally, keep trying your best and we will continue to be happy teachers.