All posts by Mrs McLauchlan

Walk to School Week

Next week the whole school will be taking part in the Living Streets Walk to School campaign. This is to try and encourage children to be active during the day, starting off their daily 60min exercise by walking to school. We are also encouraging other activities like cycling, scootering and skate boarding.


If possible encourage your child throughout the week to make the journey to school an active one πŸ™‚ We will be recording in class the different ways we journey to school and in school each class will be aiming to climb the distance of a Scottish mountain!


Keep an eye out for our progress and pictures next week πŸ™‚

Happy holidays Primary 1

I know it may not feel like it with the weather outside but today marks our final day of home learning before the Summer holidays!

First of all I would like to say an absolutely huge thank you and well done to all the parents and carers of the P1 children, you have been superstars over the past few months helping your child to learn at home!

Also a huge thank you to the children, I have absolutely loved being their teacher this year and have missed them so much over the past 13 weeks! I cannot wait to see them in August and hope they have a fantastic summer holidays.

I have put together a wee video for them, which I hope they enjoy watching and remembering all the fun we have had this year πŸ™‚

If you have any questions or they would like to share things they are doing over the holidays feel free to send messages in here and I will see them at some point over the 6 weeks πŸ™‚

Primary 1 – 25/06/20

There will be some more tasks set for you today. I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine which is forecast!

Tomorrow I will post the class video that you all contributed to so keep your eyes peeled for that πŸ™‚

Today is the last day of our Sumdog competition and as always send me some pictures of what you have been up to and I will post a final class collage tomorrow 😊


Primary 1 – 24/06/20

Good morning, I had a lovely day out visiting you all yesterday it was fantastic to see all your lovely smiles again.

Today Miss Cunningham is setting you a task, remember to keep sending pictures of what you are getting up to πŸ™‚

As always you have books available on Bugclub, tricky words to practice, the Sumdog competition to take part in and lots of number jobs which we have been doing that you can go over!

Have another lovely day and remember just message if you have any questions πŸ™‚

Primary 1 – 23/06/20

I hope you are all having a lovely week despite the turn in weather. I am very excited to see you all this afternoon when I come to visit!

Today Ms Harper will be setting you all sports tasks, if you didn’t manage to do Mrs Campbell’s art yesterday you could also catch up with that, Sumdog, Bugclub or any of your words and sounds you would like to have an extra go at!

Have a fantastic morning and I will see you all soon πŸ™‚

Primary 1 – 22/06/20

Good morning Primary 1 and welcome to our final week of home learning before the Summer holidays and your last week of Primary 1! I will be coming out this week to visit you all and see how you are doing πŸ™‚

Today Mrs Campbell is setting you all an art task to complete. I can’t wait to see your finished pieces.

if you would like to you can also pick a book from Bugclub to read and the Renfrewshire Sumdog contest is still underway for you to take part in 😊

Primary 1 – 19/06/20

Today is our second last Friday in Primary 1! I hope you all have a lovely weekend and are all set for our final week next week πŸ™‚

Take today to catch up on any work you haven’t managed to do.

There is also a Renfrewshire Sumdog competition starting, can you finish the year on a high by competing with other children in Renfrewshire schools?

Primary 1 – 18/06/20

Good morning Primary 1, today I am in school working with the Primary 7s so I won’t be online this morning. I will get back to you all this afternoon πŸ™‚


Read your story for this week if you haven’t already

Rockets – Yak’s Pants

Moons and Stars – Top Cat

I would also like you to have a go at writing me a story for the picture. If you need help today ask an adult but try as much as you can to use your common words spelling and your phonics πŸ™‚

Try to write 3 sentences, if you need to write a little bit and then come back to it every so often throughout the day then that is completely okay πŸ™‚


  1. Count in 1’s to 30
  2. Count forward in 2’s to 30
  3. Count in 1’s from 30 to 40
  4. Count backwards in 2’s from 20
  5. Count forward in 5’s to 30 (50 if you want a challenge)
  6. Β Count forward in 10’s to 100
  7. Count backwards in 10’s from 70

Forfeit: if you make a mistake pretend your an elephant let your adult hear you trump and have another go πŸ™‚

Take your time and spread these challenges out throughout the day πŸ™‚

Primary 1 – 17/06/20

Good morning Primary 1, I hope you have had lots of fun doing your sports challenges that Ms Harper set you over the past two days! The weather has definitely been better than we usually get for sports day!


Today we are going to look at fact and fiction. In class we have looked at stories which are made up and stories which tell us information. Have a look at the sentences below and decide which are fact (true statements) and which are made up or stories.

  1. A moat is deep water around the castle used for defence.
  2. Β A dragon guards the treasure beneath the castle.
  3. Β A knight wears armour from head to toe.
  4. The portcullis is a spiky gate which helped to protect the main door of the castle.
  5. Prince Charming lived in Edinburgh Castle.

Also I would like you to pick some words from our spelling lists last week which were tricky for you and have another go at them πŸ™‚ If the yellow ones were all easy peasy then have a go at some of the green ones πŸ™‚


Today I would like you to subitise (remember that means look and say how many there are, try not to count). If you need to group the objects and add them together.