All posts by A. cochranecastl


To access the scheme, young people need to apply for a new entitlement card.

5 to 10-year-olds will use a junior card which does not require a photograph and those aged 11 and over will use an updated Young Scot card – which is also a photo identity and proof of age card.

New cards can be applied for using the website below:

  • ParentsPortal.Scot – This is an additional online national portal that allows parents of children aged between 5 and 10-years-old to apply for the ‘Junior’ version of the National Entitlement Card.  This is the quickest way for parents to access the junior card for their children.

The usual process of delivering Young Scot cards to Primary 7s will take place in March and April 2022 and this year will include a consent process to allow access to the free travel scheme too.

School Day

A letter has been sent home in the pupils’ bags today to advise that we are reverting back to our more traditional start and finish times.

Please see attached. School Day

9.00 am start and 3.00 pm finish for every class in the school as of Monday 8 November.

We will offer an early entry to our Primary 1 – Primary 3 pupils, opening the doors for them at 8.50 am (depending on staffing levels)

Free Schools Meals and Autumn Hardship Payment

For families in receipt of free school meals on an income basis (so not all P1 to P4 children), there will be an Autumn hardship payment in October (£160).

Families will need to have applied for free school meals in order to get the payments – they won’t be made retrospectively.  If you think you may be entitled to free school meals on an income basis, but have not applied because of the universal free school meals for P1-4, please apply in order to receive these payments.   More information and a link to the online application are here:

For those who qualify for free school meals on an income basis (so not all P1 to P4 children), there will be a payment of £11.25 per child for the October break.


Hello Cochrane Castle Families,

Welcome back! It has been so wonderful seeing your wonderful children back in the school. These past few months have been such a whirlwind and it’s totally understandable if you find yourself having a lot of mixed emotions about the return to school.
The Place2Be counselling program on West Johnstone Campus has resumed. Including our work with parents, one-to-one counselling, and our lunch time self-referral service called Place2Talk, which was hugely popular last year with students.

Last year signed permission slips were required for students to be able to use the Place2Talk service. This year we are moving to a negative consent. Meaning that if you want your child to have access to this service no signed permission slip is required, just do nothing. How simple is that!

If you DO NOT want your child to have access to this service please contact me or the school (via email, phone, or morning drop off), or print off the negative consent form below and we will remove your child from the approved list. You can change your consent at any time.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or your head teacher. I am so excited to be working with your kids this upcoming academic year.

Attached at the bottom of this post is the negative consent form as well as a FAQ sheet about the Place2Talk program.

Click the link below and the file will download. If you have any trouble viewing the document please contact me, and I can send you a copy via email or home with your child.

Place2talk Negative Consent Letter-WJSC

Claire Blaney (School Project Manager)

Information for Parents/Carers

The school office will close at 2.30pm today until Wednesday 6th January. If you have to phone to let us know that your child has tested positive for COVID 19, please be advised that Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board (PHPU) will share this information with us. If we are advised that your child has displayed symptoms and/or tested positive within 48 hours of being in school someone will be in touch to gather information about close contacts.