Happy holidays – goodbye for now!

Firstly, I want to thank-you for all your support, patience and understanding throughout the last few months. We know it has been an unsettling time for everyone but we take great comfort from the strength of our school community and to have witnessed our school values in action throughout this time.

This is the last day of school before the summer holidays. However for me, it will be my last day at Cochrane Castle for at least a year and I just wanted to take this opportunity to say what a pleasure and a privilege it has been to be your Headteacher working alongside all our wonderful children and families.

This week, I was delighted to have the opportunity to welcome our new Primary One pupils into the school and give them the chance to meet their teacher and visit their classroom. I know they will quickly become part of the Cochrane Castle family and I wish them every success on the start of their school journey.

I was also honoured to invite the P7 pupils back for one last day to celebrate their valedictory. It was really important to say good bye to them as they move on to the next part of their journey. If you missed it, you can see all the glorious event here: https://www.facebook.com/CochraneCastlePS/videos/255919545707287 

I just want to sign off by wishing pupils, parents and staff every success in the future. Have a wonderful summer holiday and good luck!