Primary 1 – 18/06/20

Good morning Primary 1, today I am in school working with the Primary 7s so I won’t be online this morning. I will get back to you all this afternoon ๐Ÿ™‚


Read your story for this week if you haven’t already

Rockets – Yak’s Pants

Moons and Stars – Top Cat

I would also like you to have a go at writing me a story for the picture. If you need help today ask an adult but try as much as you can to use your common words spelling and your phonics ๐Ÿ™‚

Try to write 3 sentences, if you need to write a little bit and then come back to it every so often throughout the day then that is completely okay ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Count in 1’s to 30
  2. Count forward in 2’s to 30
  3. Count in 1’s from 30 to 40
  4. Count backwards in 2’s from 20
  5. Count forward in 5’s to 30 (50 if you want a challenge)
  6. ย Count forward in 10’s to 100
  7. Count backwards in 10’s from 70

Forfeit: if you make a mistake pretend your an elephant let your adult hear you trump and have another go ๐Ÿ™‚

Take your time and spread these challenges out throughout the day ๐Ÿ™‚