P6 Home Learning 09/06/20

Morning everyone


Here are Tuesday’s Literacy and Numeracy tasks.




If you do Reading Eggspress, do 30mins of your lesson and the next 20 words in your yellow spelling booklet along with any you need to practise from last week.


Everyone else, we’re going to do some comprehension work. Read the passage on Dojo or Google Classroom then answer the questions. Take your time to use the passage to help with your answers and write in full sentences.




If you were working on Workbook 6 yesterday, today you’re going to continue looking at fractions. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdrbcqt Watch video 1 and read through the lesson. This will remind you of some ways to find a fraction of an amount including the bar method which we did in class. Then do activity 1. If you are looking for extra challenge try activity 2. You can see the worksheet on Dojo or Google Classroom.


If you were working on Workbook 5 yesterday, today you’re going to continue practising multiplication. Do activity 20 in your workbook  then play a game of Hit the Button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button Choose a times table that you need some practise at.