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P7 Spelling Homework


Oops, I forgot that the creative spelling activities weren’t on the blog like last year. So I will issue you with the list of activities tomorrow and it the meantime here they are here:

  • blue vowels: write the common words then go back and go over the vowels in blue
  • bubble letters: write the common words in bubble or block letters
  • consonant circle: write the common words then circle the consonants
  • vowel circle: write the common words then circle the vowels
  • UPPER and lower case letters: write the common words in CAPITAL letters then small letters
  • words without consonants: write the common words but leave out the consonants (put a line instead) then go back to fill in the consonants
  • words without vowels: write the common words but leave out the vowel (put a line instead) then go back to fill in the vowels
  • mnemonic: make a mnemonic for the common words .e.g. mnemonic = My Nana Enjoys Meeting Old Neighbours In Church
  • Click to enlarge the image below from


Here is an example of what your completed spelling homework should look like (click to enlarge):


This is a pupil’s quality work from last year. They wrote the date, title and completed each section correctly. Depending on the size of your handwriting, the task should take up approximately 1.5-2 pages of your jotter.

Japan Personal Project – Tuesday 27th September

japan flag 1

Learning Outcome

I can create a detailed presentation on an area of Japan that is of interest to me. I can use my research to discuss the diversity of particular cultures, values and customs in our society.  SOC 2-16c

Skill for Learning

Application & Knowledge: I can apply my knowledge of Japan to plan and produce an interesting and creative presentation.

Skill for Work

Organisation: I can organise my time and resources independently to ensure my project is completed in the allocated time.


In class we will be learning about a variety of aspects relating to Japan. Now it is your turn to become independent international researchers! You are being asked to find out about an area of Japan that is of particular interest to you and share your findings with your peers.


What you need to know: You are free to complete your personal project in any way you wish. You can pick something very specific (Japanese fashion, technology, food ) or something a bit more general (Japanese culture). If you wish, you may even choose an area we have not covered in class.

What you need to do: You can present your project in any way you choose. This might be in written form, a PowerPoint presentation, a booklet, a video or even a model. In other words, you have the choice to choose the way you feel will best help you to demonstrate your knowledge of your chosen topic. This project is all homework based therefore you need to think about the resources you will have access to: books, library, internet, personal accounts etc. Please ask for any paper, IT time or anything else you might need from school.

What you need to think about: You can use whatever you need to describe your personal project: photographs, videos, props etc. Try to think about why you picked this area for your project. What was it that interested you about it? Remember some people in class may know nothing about the area you have chosen to discuss, so you must explain it in detail.

How to get started: Get all of your ideas down on a mind map and then decide which ones are the most relevant and will best engage your audience.

Product Criteria

  • You are free to present your researched topic in any way you choose. However, try to think outside of the box a little. In other words, be creative!
  • You have 5 weeks to pull your project together so use your time wisely. You should be prepared to bring your completed project to school on Tuesday 27thSeptember.
  • This is an independent research project. It is your responsibility to organise your time effectively and ensure you are putting in enough effort.
  •  Everyone will approach this task in different ways so don’t worry if your friends are doing  something different from you. Have faith in your project and what you have to say and it will all     work out. This is your chance to show just how well you can take responsibility for your own  learning.

Book Detectives P7S

Today we looked at our Book Detective Tasks for our homework.


  • you should record at least six feelings
  • you should record the character’s name
  • you should record the page number you got the evidence from
  • you should record any quotes to help support your answer
  • you should respond with how you feel about the situation (put yourself in the character’s shoes)


22/8/16              Stormbreaker ch 1-2                     Illuminator

Alex – p10 – Upset –
‘ Funeral voices… that was how he would describe them later. The sort of voices people use when they come to tell you that someone close to you has died.’
Alex is upset because he has just realised the police are talking in funeral voices and therefore something bad has happened. If I heard funeral voices then I knew it was someone close to me. I would be upset but would want to find out more.

Mind Map

  • choose 4-5 main events from the chapters you have read
  • use branches from these events to add detail, evidence, page numbers to support your answer
  • turn your BD jotter landscape

Below is a picture of the Mind Map we created for chapters 1 and 2.



If you have any questions please let me know.

Weekly Diary P7S


Reading- Read chapters 3-9 and complete Illuminator and Mind Map task for Friday 2nd September. Please look at your jotter to remind you how to do the jobs.

Spelling – Complete spelling tasks for Friday 2nd September. Please remember jotter layout.


Please use Sumdog ( (I will be looking to see the top three scorers for a classroom treat) and Hit the Button ( I will award the treats on Friday 26th August.

We are aiming to build up and improve our mental agility over these coming weeks.

Health and Wellbeing

Remember PE is on a Tuesday and Thursday

We will be completing our Daily Mile every other day

Residential meeting – Monday 22nd August 6.30-7.30pm

Please remember to hand all letters to parents.
House captain interviews are this week.
Pupil council member speeches will be this week too.

Welcome Back

I hope you all had a lovely summer holiday.   I am delighted to be teaching P3/2 this year and all of the children have settled into class well already.  This week we will begin homework with spelling and reading.  Next week we will introduce Maths homework.  Our welcome letter will be in book bags tomorrow and information about homework can be found here.   I will also be going over wordwalls with the children this week and next week so look out for these in the bookbags also.

Thank you

Mrs Fulton

Welcome to P2/1’s Blog

Hi everyone

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

We had a lovely first week in P2/1. Everyone has settled in really well and we are all making new friends within the class.

Our P.E. days are on a Wednesday and Friday. If you have not already done so, please ensure that your child has appropriate kit which will be kept in school in a gym bag. Please also ensure that your child wears polo shirts on these days and that any long hair is tied back. Any jewellery should ideally be left at home on these days please.

As we will be going outside in all weathers, please ensure that your child comes to school wearing appropriate clothing, especially on rainy days! A waterproof jacket with a hood on it and welly boots can be left in school (optional.)

Book bags will start to come home this week. Most children have already brought their book bag into school but if you have not sent one in with your child yet, please do so as soon as possible. I will check book bags and homework diaries daily.

On Thursday, we will be starting Read and Munch. Please provide your child with a healthy snack (fruit or vegetables) and a book of their choice to read each week, on this day. Children are also free to choose from the class library if they wish.

I am really looking forward to getting to know and working with you and your child this year. If you have any questions or queries throughout the year, please so not hesitate to get in touch. My door is always open!

Here is to a great week ahead.

Miss Cruickshank




P1F Homework wk beg 22/08/16

Bookbags will be coming home this week.  In your child’s bookbag you will find a letter about P1 homework, information about school meals and a homework diary.   Each child will have a bag with the first 3 characters from our books and their names.  You can talk about the characters with your child, ask them to tell you about the character and match the names to the characters.

Could you please make sure that the characters are put back into their bag and kept in the bookbag.  Please sign or initial the homework diary every day.  Bookbags should be brought to school every day.  On a Friday they will be kept in class.

Thank you

P5S – Homework w/b 22.8.16

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you have had a great weekend and look forward to hearing all your stories at check-in tomorrow. Each week I will post your homework and reminders on our class blog. Homework will also be noted in your school diary.

Spelling: Your spelling words for this week will be issued in class tomorrow. Each group will have a new rule to learn each week along with two new tricky words.

You should copy each word out three times in your spelling jotter. Next please choose four of your spelling rule words to learn using one of the “Creative Spelling” activities. These activities will be glued into the inside cover of your spelling jotter on Monday in class. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Book Detectives: Please read chapters 6-9 at home. Once you have read these chapters you should summarise what has happened in at least 5 or 6 sentences. Remember to pick out the main points of the storyline. You should also complete your Illustrator segment. Choose your favourite part from chapters 6-9 and draw a detailed picture of it. You should be able to explain your drawing to your group members in class. This task should be completed for Thursday 1st September.

Please ensure you complete this task on time to allow you to take part in our Book Detective session in class

Here are your reminders for this week:

  1.  P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure you have a full kit  with you: shorts, top and trainers.
  2.  We will be having our Daily Mile sessions every day so you should have suitable outdoor jackets as we will be outside whatever the weather.
  3. Please return any letters as soon as possible.
  4. Please cover your Spelling homework jotter for Friday. Your Book Detective jotter should be covered by Thursday 1st September. If you need paper, please ask and I will give you some.


Reach for the Stars by missiridia -

Every week I will post a quote on our blog (I do love my quotes). Please leave a comment on our class blog (if you can) letting me know what you think it means. Feel free to share your own favourite quote, if you have one, with the class. You may use our “quotes board” in class. Here is our very first quote of Primary 5.

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend. See you all in the morning.

Mrs O’Neill

P7M Homework – Monday 22nd August

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice.


  • Reading Ch7-22 and 2 BD jobs – You should read chapters 7-22 (inclusive) and complete the Mind map and Illuminator jobs by Friday 2nd September. Click here to remind you how to complete both jobs.
  • Spelling – Complete List/Unit 1 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 2nd September. Remember to write the date, an appropriate title and complete all sections as instructed. 
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.


  • Complete the 3 activities on Mangahigh. The activities should appear on Homepage or click ‘Assigned’ to see these tasks (Adding and Subtracting up to 100, Add in Columns and Recognise Number Patterns).
  • Your username and password is on the Homework letter.
  • The school code is 45088 or use the link Mangahigh


  • Residential Trip meeting Monday 22nd, 6.30-7.30pm
  • Give the Homework letters to your parents/carers and return the Internet slip A.S.A.P.
  • Topic personal project – this will be issued on Tuesday 23rd – more information to follow. This should be completed by Tuesday 27th September.
  • If any of you have any reading books from last year, especially Kensuke’s Kingdom, please return them ASAP as P6 are missing a number of copies.
  • P.E. Mon & Fri – If any of you have a portable badminton net, please bring it in on our P.E. days. Thank you.


Each day in class we will have our ERIC time. Please ensure you have a suitable book to read during these times. You may borrow one from the class library or bring one from home.

This week I have loved seeing the enthusiasm from you all during our ERIC sessions and some of you are being very creative in finding a reading space in class.

Here are just a few photographs from our ERIC sessions this week.







106 Continue reading P5S ERIC

P5S – What a busy week!

Well, you survived your first week of Primary 5 and what a busy week it has been. I hope you have enjoyed our first week together as much as I have. Well done to each and every one of you for working so hard this week.

Lots of photographs were taken of you during many of the different tasks you were involved in and I will post them on our blog over the next few days. Keep watching for them!

Mrs O’Neill

First Week in Primary 1H

We have had a super start to Primary 1.  Children have all settled in well and have been busy getting used to new routines and making new friends.

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday.  If children wear a polo shirt on these days it makes life a lot easier for them when they are getting changed!  They should also have gym shoes and a pair of shorts.  No jewellery should be worn and long hair should be tied back.

Thank you for returning the pumpkins-they are amazing!

We have an information evening on Thursday 25th August at 7pm which you are invited to attend and where you will be given lots of information about life in P1H.

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs Hunter

P7 Book Detectives – Illuminator & Mind Map

Today I modelled how to complete a P7 standard ‘Illuminator’ and ‘Mind Map’ for your Book Detectives homework. You found examples from the book for me to use in my tasks which I recorded on the board for you to copy into your BD jotters. Please remember each time you complete your BD tasks to write the date in the margin (19.8.16) and write an appropriate title (Holes Ch1-6). Each BD tasks should use approximately one A4 page.

Here is a reminder of how to complete each job:


  • you should record at least six feelings
  • you should record the character’s name
  • you should record the page number you got the evidence from
  • you should record any quotes to help support your answer
  • you should respond with how you feel about the situation (put yourself in the character’s shoes)


Stanley – p6 – worried/scared – ‘Stanley and his family had tried to pretend that he was just going away to camp for a while, just like rich kids do.’ He was blocking out his negative feelings about going to camp as a punishment by pretending it was going to be like a holiday. I understand why he would do this because the thought of leaving your family to go to an unknown place would be scary. I would probably do the same thing.

Mind Map

  • choose 4-5 main events from the chapters you have read
  • use branches from these events to add detail, evidence, page numbers to support your answer
  • turn your BD jotter landscape

Example (click on the image to enlarge it):

mind map example

Welcome to Primary 1F’s blog

Here we are at the end of our first week and I hope you agree its          girlc
gone very well.  Everyone is quite tired (including the teacher) but we have made new friends, learned about having lunch in the dinner hall and started our learning in class.

Here’s a quick rundown of our week –

P.E. – Tuesday and Friday – polo shirts please

Read and Munch – Friday – please bring a book from home and a healthy snack

Bookbags will start coming home on Monday.

Parents’ information evening is on Thursday 25th August at 7pm.  I look forward to seeing you all then and explaining what we will be up to over the course of Primary 1.

Thank you for all the pumpkins – they are truly amazing.  Watch this space for the next steps.



Feelings Photos


You all experience a wide range of emotions and feelings on a daily basis but often when asked how you feel you will say “Fine” or “Good” or “Happy” or “Sad”. Sometimes you might be feeling exactly this way, however why use a boring word when there are a lot more exciting words to express how you feel. These wow words or phrases can also be used in your writing.

Today you worked in pairs to find the definition of a variety of ‘feelings’ words and then took photos of each other expressing that emotion.

The Skill for Learning you were developing was:

Application – I can apply my knowledge of language and use my face and body to express an emotion.

The Skill for Life you were developing was:

Literacy – I can use a dictionary to find the definition of a word.

You took lots of photos and then had to edit your choices by deleting unwanted photos. Here are the final results:

SAM_3525 SAM_3526 SAM_3527

Welcome to P7S

I hope you all enjoyed your first day back, I was very impressed with the excellent work rate and positive attitudes.

Keep up the great work!

Your homework diary will be sent home shortly but in the meantime please remember your PE days are a Tuesday and a Thursday. We will also complete our daily mile outside on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Have a lovely evening,

Mr McAvoy

Welcome to P5S

Welcome to Primary 5S! I hope you are all as excited as I am for what lies ahead this year. We have lots of new and interesting topics to learn about. It will be a very busy year!

I will be using our class blog on a regular basis to share news, homework, photographs and much more. It will allow both you and everyone at home to keep up to date with what we are up to in class.

See you all in the morning!

Mrs O’Neill

Welcome to P7M!


Today is the beginning of the last part of your primary school life… exciting and scary! We have lots of brilliant activities, topics and projects planned for this year and I know that you will all be up for the challenges ahead. I am so pleased to be your class teacher this year and I know Mrs Davidson is looking forward to teaching you on Thursdays too.

We will be using the P7M Blog  to communicate and support each other with homework and research tasks. It is really important that you take responsibility for your own learning and learn how to manage your time; balancing school work and your social life. I am here to help you be the best you can be, so you need to let me know what I can do to support you to do your best.


  • Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesday, Friday – Miss McDowall
  • Thursday – Mrs Davidson
  • Monday 11.15am and Thursday 9am – P.E. 
  • Please bring suitable clothing for our Daily Mile on non-P.E. days.
  • Please bring your class novel and personal reader every day for our personal reading time.

To do list:

  • Complete a House Captain application form by Thursday 18th – late entries will NOT be accepted.
  • Cover your homework diary, spelling, maths and Book Detectives jotters (paper available from school if required).
  • Tell your parent/carer about the Residential Trip meeting on Monday 22nd, 6.30-7.30pm

That is more than enough to think about for now. The homework will start next Monday 22nd August so enjoy your first week of homework free P7!


Miss McDowall