Parent Council Initiative

The Parent Council’s fundraising plans for this year will support several initiatives including funding buses for school trips, improving the outdoor areas with increased playground equipment and activities and sprucing up the front entrance with support from the gardening club. As you will appreciate, all of this needs a lot of time, effort and money. We have few fundraising ideas which we are working on at the moment and we’ll keep you posted. To begin, we’d like to send home Smarties tubes which, when the sweeties have been eaten, we would ask you to fill with loose change and send back in to the school. Every penny helps! We plan to send the tubes home with children in the lead up to the October break, so sometime next week. If you would prefer that your child didn’t receive a tube filled with sweeties then please can you let their class teacher know by putting a note in the homework diary? We appreciate that not all parents will want their children to have these sweeties but we are hopeful that as many families as possible will fill a tube to boost our funds. Teachers will be more than willing to support sending home empty tubes as they’re all partial to a wee sweetie or two! We hope you will be able to support us with this. Thanks in advance.