Primary 4

This year our teacher is Mrs Fulton.

Our P.E days are a Monday and Friday this year.  Please ensure your child has the appropriate gym kit on these days.



Class Dojo     

Please join our class dojo to keep up to date with class news, photos and more! You can use dojo to view the points your child has been given and to view our class dojo story.

Microsoft Teams   

To help us continue to develop the skills we learned over remote learning, each class from P4-7 has a class Microsoft Team. This team will be used to issue homework each week. Pupils can use the team to access and submit their homework. Teachers will then provide feedback via Microsoft Teams. Pupils can access Microsoft Teams using their glow login and password. If you are unable to access Microsoft Teams at home, a paper copy of the homework will be issued in school.

You can find help on how to access and work teams on our website under the ‘Help and Support’ tab.


Each week, Primary 4 will receive Reading, Literacy and Numeracy homework. All homework will be issued on a Monday to be returned on a Friday. The types of homework task assigned each week will vary between written and active tasks.

The homework assigned each week will be noted in your child’s homework diary and posted on our class Microsoft Team.

Some children will receive a reading book every week and others bi-weekly.  This will depend on the type of book the child is reading.


Please ensure that all items that your child brings to school are clearly marked with their name. This is very helpful if items get misplaced!

Here are some of the exciting things we will be learning this term…



We will continue with Guided Reading where we focus on a range of different reading skills and read our homework books.   Primary 4 will continue with Accelerated Reading where they have the option to choose a text and test their comprehension through an online quiz.

We will also begin our class novel study this term.  We will be reading ‘The Creakers’ by Tom Fletcher.  We will take part in a range of reading tasks as well as link this to other areas of the curriculum.



We are continuing with our ‘Talk for Writing’ approach this year.  This term, we will be focusing on a finding tale, using The Magic Paintbrush as inspiration.  Talk for writing allows us to develop our writing skills through a range of activities such as drama and short burst writing tasks.


For spelling this year, we will  be working on a range of key words and sounds that we find in our writing texts.  We will continue to focus on a weekly sound  and take part in a range of active spelling activities throughout the week.

Listening & Talking 

This term we will be building our listening and talking skills through class discussions.  We will also have the opportunity to work on these skills by listening and responding to stories and videos.


In maths this term we are focusing on multiplication and division, fractions, expressions and equations, patterns and relationships and money.

We will also begin our ‘Beat That’ mental maths challenge.

We will approach all of these topics in a range of ways, using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach.

Health & Wellbeing

In P.E we will be working on social dancing and gymnastics.

We will also be looking at food and its relationship with our health as well as mindfulness.

We will continue to use the P.A.T.H.S programme to work on our emotional wellbeing.


Broad General Education

This term, we will continue to work on our digital literacy skills.

We will also be focusing on the human body in science.

We will be continuing with weekly French practice as well as introducing our Scottish topic, Scotland and its landscapes which was selected by the children.  This topic will involve a range of curricular areas.

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