Anti – Bullying Policy
Our current Anti-Bullying guidance was updated in September 2022 and is currently being revised as part of our School Improvement Plan. Parents, Carers and Children will be involved in the review with the refreshed guidance expected to be in place by June 2025.
We have consulted with parents, pupils and staff to update our Anti-Bullying Policy.
Please click on the link below to view our policy
Anti-Bullying and Behaviour Guidance
“Tackling Bullying in Renfrewshire” is the authority’s policy on preventing and dealing with bullying in our school. The policy stresses the importance of involving the whole school community – pupils, parents and all the staff in the school.
You can view the anti-bullying policy by asking the school office for a copy of the document or by accessing the policy online at
In Bargarran Primary, bullying* in any form is unacceptable. The school works hard to promote and endorse this through a programme of Personal and Social Development which seeks to raise pupils self esteem, to encourage them to value themselves and to have consideration for others.
The Depute Head Teacher is the named person for pupils and parents to speak to if they have concerns about bullying. The sooner we know about these concerns the sooner we can do something about it.
*Bullying is behaviour which can be defined as a repeated attack of a physical, psychological, social or verbal nature by those who are able to exert influence over others.