Category Archives: Junior Carsonians

Junior Carsonians’ trip to Megginch Castle


Lucy (P7) reports:

“We went to Megginch Castle and learnt about the first women marine engineer called Victoria Drummond. We got a tour around the castle where she lived with her family. Her dad worked for Queen Victoria and Queen Victoria became her god mother. In the castle there were a lot of old things like the sled Napoleon used to escape, pictures of her family, old music playing stuff and secret passages (we even got to go inside one of them). Victoria knew she wanted to do marine engineering so she went and did her exam, but they did not want to let her pass it because she was a woman. Instead of failing her they failed every one. But she did not give up she did her exam 37 times! before they let her pass it. We looked round the rooms we even went into the dungeon! After we had finished looking inside we went outside – we went and saw her grave and the little church beside it. I really enjoyed the trip and would like to learn a lot more about Victoria Drummond.”