Blankets for Babies

Website 1

Molly (P7) reports:

“On Friday the 22nd of April people came from the community to help us to sew together the squares that everybody in the community had made.

Everybody that came to the school to sew together the squares got paired up with one of the pupils. Once everybody was paired up with an adult all the pupils chose twelve squares to make into a blanket. There were lots of different colours and textures such as knitted squares and crocheted squares.

Our adult helper helped us to sew together the squares. We did a blanket that was three squares by four squares. At the end of the day me and my partner had almost finished our blanket we only needed to sew two more sides together and sew in all the tails.

The blankets were for the refugees to use as comfort blankets. We are also going to send some money to the refugees for food, clothes, shelter and water.”

Website 2

Lucy (P6) reports:

“Blankets for Babies is something where we all knit squares and make it into a blanket for the refugees. Because it would be quite hard to make them into really big blankets we decided to just make them into comfort blankets.

Lots of people came and we all helped sew the squares together. Everyone worked with a different person from the community. I worked with Mrs Legge. We crocheted the squares together but have not finished it yet.

Everyone had lots of fun and we will carry on doing it in class.

Thank you to everyone that helped us make the blankets!”


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