School Scotherbs Visit

On Tuesday 28th May, the pupils from Abernyte Primary visited Scotherbs in Longforgan, a local company who supply of Fresh Culinary Herbs & Salad Leaves to supermarkets, wholesalers & food manufacturers.

Lucy reports:

“At Scotherbs we went in to this room where we talked about the history of Scotherbs.  Then we went to the poly-tunnel.  We saw lots of herbs.  I liked going in to the poly-tunnel.  It was very hot in the poly-tunnel.  My favourite herb is lavendar.”

Elise reports:

“Anna and Fiona welcomed us to Scotherbs and they showed us around.  Then they showed us the poly-tunnel and we got to eat and try some herbs and some strawberries.  We got to take some back with us.”

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