Homework 30/1/18 – 5/2/18


Spelling words:

Everyone has been given their new spelling word wall. Using an activity from your yellow sheet that you haven’t used before, write out the words from the second row 3 times. I will check the words from this week and last week on Friday.

 Reading – ongoing

This week, please write a book review of a book (fiction or non-fiction) that you have read at home.

The sheet gives you guidelines to help you write an interesting review of the book.


Please continue to give children the opportunities to handle and calculate money totals.

Here are some practical ideas for practising money concepts at home that can be ongoing and become more challenging each week!

How much is in your piggy bank/mum‘s purse/dad’s pocket etc.? Count up the notes and coins to find a total.

Try out these games to develop your speed and confidence using notes and coins.




http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/quiz/q12097131 Look at the following note about Question1.    The £100 note is issued by Scottish and Northern Irish banks only.

Another reminder – please could everyone access their account on Activelearn and complete more of the interactive learning opportunities.



Complete the Exercise Diary that you have been given to find out how much exercise you get.


Monday 29th January 2018

We’ve had a busy today. This morning we were focusing on our prediction skills and have started our new class novel – George’s Marvellous Medicine.   We have also been finding out about ways to keep active and what the benefits of at least 60 minutes of exercise a day are.


Homework 23/1/18 – 29/1/18


Spelling words:

Everyone has been given their new spelling word wall. Using an activity from your yellow sheet that you haven’t used before, write out the words from the first row 3 times.

 Reading – ongoing

You have been given a school book to read at home.  Please look after it and remember to have it in your bag each day.  Read out loud from your book to an adult to practise your word attack strategies, fluency and expression.

J.K Rowling group – Magic Carpet Slippers chapters 5 and 6

Roald Dahl group – read whole book  

David Walliams group – read whole book


We have been learning to recognise British notes and coins, use them to make totals and work out a total from the given notes and coins.  Here are some practical ideas for practising money concepts at home that can be ongoing and become more challenging each week!

Use coins and notes to pay for an item – a special task for the child to choose the correct coins to make the exact price of an item and then pay for it themselves!

Using coins Ask your child to choose an item from home with a price shown on the item (e.g. from a pizza menu, food packaging or newspaper, etc.). Ask children to record the coins or notes that could be used to pay exactly for this item. Can they make up a different combination for the same total?

 Price list Ask children to choose a type of shop and think of items that the shop is likely to sell. They think of three items costing less than £5 and three items costing more than £5. They write these in order from lowest to highest price to make a price list for the shop.

Try out these games to develop your speed and confidence using coins.





 I have allocated money activities on Activelearn, so please could everyone access their account and complete more of the interactive learning opportunities as there has been very little recent activity!


Please learn and practise any poems, songs or script ready for the Robert Burns assembly on Friday. 


Wednesday 17th January 2018

p4 have been learning about Robert Burns and are going to create and perform an assembly to the whole school all about him. Today we practised singing Red,Red Rose, we started to learn the Address to the Haggis and we wrote out our ideas to use in the Immortal memory, Toast to the Lassies and what the narrators would say. We also had a go at weaving our own cloth.  At the end of the day we all got to make snowmen in the playground.


mercredi l’onze janvier

In our reading lesson, we were being “Reading Spies” with a mission to find out about a main character in our text. We had to find out about what the character looks like and then think about their personality and how they feel to make them act in the way that they do in the text. Primary 4 has some very good spies!

We were learning about the French festival of la Fête des Rois. There is a special cake with charms in it. If a  member of the family has a charm in their slice of cake, they are king or queen for the day and wear a crown!

We are working in teams really well. More of us are ready to receive the bean bag and most throws are underarm using the correct amount of power so that our team-mates can catch easily.

Homework 9/1/18 – 15/1/18


Spelling words:

Pick your 6 favourite words from your spelling sheet. Write them out 3 times and write 6 interesting sentences including those words.

 Reading – ongoing

You have been given a school book to read at home.  Please look after it and remember to have it in your bag each day.  Read out loud from your book to an adult to practise your word attack strategies, fluency and expression. Record any interesting VCOP that you come across in your reading.

J.K Rowling group – Magic Carpet Slippers chapters 1 and 2

Roald Dahl group – read p1-16   

David Walliams group – read whole book


We were using addition and subtraction skills to complete number pyramids.

Complete your own pyramid remembering to look at the information you have been given and whether you will need to add or subtract to help you fill in the missing numbers. Once finished, CHECK  by starting at the bottom of the pyramid and adding the numbers until you reach the top.


New Year’s Resolutions. Why not select 5 ideas and try hard to keep them this year? Here are a few ideas to get you thinking!

·         I will clean up my toys, books, games, etc. when I have finished using them.

·         I will brush my teeth twice a day,

  • I will wash my hands after going to the bathroom and before   eating.

·         I will drink more milk and water, and limit fizzy drinks.

·         I will try to find a sport (like football, basketball or swimming) or an activity (like playing tig, skipping, dancing or riding my bike) that I like and do it at least three times a week!

·         I will always wear a helmet when bicycling, skating and skateboarding.

·         I’ll be nice and respectful to other children. I’ll be friendly to those who need friends – like someone who is shy, or is new to my school.

·         I’ll never give out personal information such as my name, home address, school name or telephone number on the Internet.


jeudi le vingt et un décembre

Excitement is mounting as we get closer to the big day! We have been revising grid references and co-ordinates on a wintery theme.

As part of our physical Advent Calendar activities, we were asked to create teams of reindeer and create a flying positions! Take a look at our intrepid teams ready for action!

In French we were writing and learning the words to “Vive le vent” and this afternoon everyone has had a great time watching the pantomime.





Party time!

Primary 4 had a fabulous Christmas party today. With so much dancing, games and party food I think everyone should sleep well tonight. Thanks to everyone who brought in goodies for the party. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas time and a very happy new year!


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