All posts by Mrs McMillan

Tuesday 24th January 2017

P4 turned into scientists for the afternoon.  We sorted materials into liquids, solids and gasses and recorded our ideas in our jotters.  Next we investigated which solids would dissolve in water.  We had to keep some variables the same so that our test was fair.  We only changed one variable: the type of solid we put in the water.  The results were very interesting.

Why don’t you try some dissolving experiments at home and record your findings?

Tuesday 10th January 2017

This morning p4 were learning about quarter turns and that they were 90 degree turns. We challenged each other with starting points on the compass and a number of quarter turns to make. We made the link between a quarter turn and a right angle.  We used angle twisters to show right angles, acute and obtuse angles. Next week we will be using our right angle checker to find right angles in shapes.

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This afternoon, we carried out an experiment to find out what substance would melt an ice cube quickest.

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We kept the bowl, ice cubes, amount of substance and place in the classroom the same. The only thing that was different was the substance used to melt the ice cube. Salt melted the ice cube quickest, followed by water, sugar, nothing (the control) and sand.

We have been learning the difference between solids, liquids and gases and we played a game to find out whether we could say whether our item was a solid, liquid or gas.

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Monday 18th December 2016

Into the last week of school in 2016!!

Things definitely have a Christmassy feel as we have Christmas crafts and parties all around us this week.  P4 have their Christmas party tomorrow afternoon. Pupils can choose to wear their party outfit to school, wear uniform and change at lunch or go home at lunch to get changed.

Please remember to bring something to eat or drink to share with the class.

Tuesday 13th December

Even amongst all the excitement leading up to the Nativity performance and Christmas, the p4s are continuing to work hard on their reading and maths.  Today we were giving and following directions using compass points and working out a secret message from the teacher!  Why not give someone a set of directions to draw a Christmas picture or decode a secret message?


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Tuesday 6th December

We have been starting the day with some groovy moves from our physical Advent calendar. Today we were doing tuck rolls.  We are continuing to work hard on our reading comprehension and compass points in maths.

This afternoon we looked at different instruments to measure weather and checked how accurate the weather forecast was today. We also added some details to our Picasso-inspired paintings.

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Tuesday 22nd November 2016

We were getting into the Christmas spirit this afternoon making Snowman soup parcels for the Christmas Fayre and practising our Nativity performance.


You can get the chance to  buy Snowman Soup on Wednesday , Thursday or Friday this week for only £1 before it goes on sale at the Fayre on Saturday.

ONLY £1 for Snowman Soup.  It’s delicious. It’s yummy. It’s bigger and better than ever before! Don’t miss out!


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Friday 11th November

Today was a special day in Woodlands and around the country.   P7 led a special Remembrance Day assembly this morning which was very interesting. The whole school also took part in a 2 minute silence at 11am.

In addition we tried a new fun way to practise our spelling words. Why don’t you try it at home? We also painted our Thor’s hammers and wrote book reviews for our reading corner.


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Thursday 10th November

P4  completed their Viking god posters and presented their findings to the class.  We rounded up our Viking topic by recording the ways in which our lives today are different from if we had been alive in Viking times.  This afternoon we had a visit from  some experts who gave us a taster session of Tae Kwon Do. img_2078 img_2079 img_2082 img_2083 img_2084 img_2085 img_2086 img_2087 img_2097 img_2098 img_2099