All posts by Mrs McMillan

Tuesday 16th May

Today has flown by!  This morning we concentrated on cloze procedures and measuring area for our language and maths activities. In the afternoon we focused on our friendship project with a circle time and making friendship bracelets for another pupil.


Tuesday 9th May 2017

Another busy day in P4.  This morning we created mind maps to organise the characters, events and settings in our reading books. We were estimating and measuring length during maths with a variety of measuring equipment.  In the afternoon we started to practise our other school show song, had a look at the recent activity in the bee hive and even had time for circle time in the sun!


Tuesday 25th April 2017

We are learning about measurement this term.  We knew that a metre is about one giant step so we used steps to estimate the length and width of the pitch.  We then measured accurately using metre sticks or trundle wheels.  The trundle wheels were definitely a better choice because it took ages using metre stick!


Welcome back! Tuesday 18th April 2017

It was lovely to see everyone back at school this morning – and only a few yawns from having to get up early again!

This term we will be learning a lot about measurement.  This morning we were converting metres into centimetres and finding items of different length around the classroom . Then we went outside and drew snakes of different lengths in the playground. We had great fun!


Tuesday 28th March 2017

We are all very excited this week because we are creating and practising our class assembly.  We will perform it to the rest of the school on Friday.  Today we did some filming for it and practised what we have to say and do.  This afternoon we found out more about the Easter story and sequenced the main events.  Remember that tomorrow is the egg competition. Bring in your Hollywood inspired works of art tomorrow!


World Poetry Day

Today is World Poetry Day.  We listened to some limericks and some were really funny!

Our favourite was –

There was a young man from  Leeds.

Who ate a whole packet of seeds.

In less than an hour

his nose was a flower

and his head was a garden of weeds!


We looked at a few and identified the rules for writing limericks.  we completed some of our own.

Here is one written by someone in our class –

There was a young man from France

who wanted to take a chance.

He played all day.

He won.  Hooray!

And his joy was heard all through France


This morning we also learned how to count to ten in Japanese.  Mrs McMillan had a really easy way to remember the words.  Why don’t you ask us to show you?

Tuesday 14th March 2017

This morning we were continuing our work on inference. We worked in groups to go around “blether stations” and identify text clues that we could use to make our inferences.  We are going to try and use this skill when we are reading books or other texts to enrich our understanding of them.


In WW, WP? we were building up our community relationships and how we interact with each other. We have come to an exciting part of the story. Which group is being a bit lazy and not doing their job properly in the community………?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next!!

Tuesday 7th March 2017

Primary 4 have had a busy day starting with learning how to make inferences by finding clues and adding them to what we already know.  Some of us went on to interpreting timetables while others practised telling the time using o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.  Why not test us at home using analogue and digital clocks? This afternoon we discussed why having rules in the gym is so important before deciding on a set of rules for the class when using the gym.


P4 Carnival Day

We had a special Carnival day in p4 today.  We have been researching the Rio Carnival which is the known as the biggest party in the world and takes place on the 4 days and nights leading up to Lent.  Our special carnival day involved making and tasting brigadeiros (a Rio Carnival food), trying a mock Carnival cocktail, dancing, music, making and playing Ganga ( samba shaker ), making masks, designing Carnival costumes and creating a display of what we know about the Rio Carnival.  Phew!  What a lot of fun!

We made a biscuity version of brigadeiros using –

1 tin of condensed milk

2 tablespoons cocoa

18 digestive biscuits (crushed)

We mixed them all together in a bowl and chilled the mixture for 30 minutes.  Then we took out a teaspoon of mixture at a time, rolled it into a ball and rolled in cocoa.  We chilled them again for an hour or two before eating them.  They were delicious! Why not try them at home?





Tuesday 21st February 2017

This afternoon we were learning all about Lent.  Ask us about it when we get home to find out more!!

We found out some facts about the biggest party in the world – the Rio Carnival. It’s a big celebration in Brazil that takes place before the period of Lent starts.  We are working in groups to present our findings.  Watch this space for the final products…


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