All posts by Mrs McMillan

Beware, Vikings!!!!



We had a fabulous Viking day in P4 today.  We made Viking bread and ate it while it was lovely and hot, with mixed berries and homemade butter.  We also made a great start on our Viking weapons.  We will have to let them dry before we stick them together and add details.  Next week we will be creating some Viking-inspired jewellery.



Monday 18th September 2017

Just a quick reminder today-

All homework is given out on a Tuesday and should be handed in on a Monday.

If you did not hand it in today the Head teacher has allowed you to hand it in tomorrow for this week only.  In future, if homework is not handed in then pupils will have to complete it at playtimes.

Also remember that p4 are in the lucky position of getting football coaching as a PE slot on Wednesdays for the the next 3 weeks so they should bring gym kits on those days.

Monday 21st August 2017

It was lovely for me to meet the new primary 4 class today.  We had a busy day with revising some number work, assembly, art and even creating some challenges using fidget spinners!  Why don’t you see if you can think up some more at home?


Mrs McMillan


Tuesday 27th June 2017

The last two full days of primary 4 have been Harry Pottertastic!!!

We have been making our own wands, designing our own potions, and sorting ourselves into houses and mixing a potion to ensure our readiness for p5.

Only half a day to go tomorrow with Mrs Macleod but I won’t be in so I will take this opportunity to wish everyone a lovely summer holiday and good luck for primary 5!

Friday 9th June 2017

P4 went on a school trip to Calderglen.  We saw the animals in the conservatory and small zoo.   We saw banana  and pineapple plants. We all loved the Fennec Foxes. They were so cute!  We saw snakes, fish and leaf-cutter ants inside and then went outside to see many other birds and animals including harvest mice and doves.  When we had lunch we had to shelter from the rain so our sandwiches didn’t get too soggy! It was a great experience to team up with p3/4 to go on a nature walk. Finally we had great fun on the zip wire, slides and giant rocking rope at the park even though it was raining!  Quite a few people fell asleep on the way home!!

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Tuesday 6th June 2017

********** the final countdown to the school show is on! *************

Please bring in costumes as soon as possible.  It would be great if you could write names on each item of clothing to avoid mix-ups. Please hand in costumes in a poly bag with your child’s name clearly marked on it.

costumes- Wild West theme

We suggest  -denim jeans, shorts, skirts or dungarees

– checked shirt, plain shirt or t-shirt

– neckscarf or neckerchief

– Waistcoat, sheriff badge, big belt or cowboy hat if you    have them.

Remember, there is no need to buy anything new!


Some of of our work today… 

Wednesday 24th May 2017

Primary 4 have been busy with some testing today. We have also heard the final presenters from our 4 in a row challenge.  Well done for all the effort and practise put in.

We had some very boring maths to do today…not!!!  We have been learning about measurement and today we looked at measuring volume.  We investigated how successful we were at bottle flipping a 500ml bottle when it was filled with different volumes  of water.  It was a really fun way to learn about measuring volumes!



Tuesday 23rd May 2017

Yesterday  we were lucky enough to get a performance from the Greenfaulds High School bands.  They were fabulous!

Today we have been doing some more work on measurement, writing, circle time and song practice.  We also enjoyed some more of our book presentations.   The final few will be done tomorrow.   The p4 pupils were so impressed with some one point perspective art completed by the p7s that they begged to give it a try.   How could I say no?

This afternoon we started on some perspective drawings and we are hoping to finish and take them home tomorrow to show you how talented we are!