vendredi le troisieme avril

Hi everyone, nearly there!

See the source image

There are some great scores on the Sumdog competition, so please keep going as it’s the last day!

For all of our  focused learning today, I have gone with an Easter 🐣 theme.

Spellings for today are: Easter, resurrection, Jesus, tomb, Sunday, spring, chocolate and risen. Why not make up some moves or a rap to help you remember the letters? Look at this link for inspiration, it is so funny!!

or you could make up a wordsearch  using

I have started one off in this photo.

Your literacy task is also about Easter. Read the passage very carefully.

Please write in your jotter – I can explain some Easter facts. Please remember to write in full answers so that the information makes sense.

1. What was Jesus made to carry on Good Friday?

2. Who gathered to greet Jesus and his disciples on Palm Sunday.

3. Who nailed Jesus to the cross on Good Friday?

4. Who discovered that Jesus’ tomb was empty?

5. Why was Jesus’ tomb guarded by a Roman soldier?

6. How might Jesus’ family and friends have felt on Easter Sunday? Imagine that you are one of these people. Please write a paragraph describing the scene, the atmosphere and what people might have said to one another. Research online any artwork, and names of people to help.  This picture is good for the setting and look at how the people are standing. What are they saying?

Numeracy today is also Easter themed🐰.

Here is a revision of co-ordinates where you work out the grid reference and it shows you a letter. You use the letters to answer the riddle – which made me chuckle 😄.

In your jotter please write- I can apply my knowledge of grid references to discover a message.

To help you practise compass directions and co-ordinates, this is a game which I found very useful. It involves creating a path in a rainforest.

I hope that you have a safe and relaxing Easter 🐣 break. Keep washing your hands and helping out at home and I’ll be back on the Blog after the holidays.

Best wishes and lots of love to you and your families. X

See the source image


4 thoughts on “vendredi le troisieme avril”

  1. Hi Mrs Macleod It’s been a bit hard because well we’ve not been together lately and you not teaching us so it’s a bit hard

    Savannah R

    1. I know what you mean, Savannah, I am finding it very hard too! It shows us how important it is when we are learning that we are all together and can share thoughts and ideas with one another! I change my teaching in response to how the class is getting on, so not being together, I have no idea how things are going, unless I hear from you – so thanks for your comments! It is also easier when we are all doing the same thing at the same time. I know that you will be doing your very best and I am so impressed by your motivation and positive attitude to your learning. Remember that you can look at the P4 Blog too for some different tasks. Stay safe and well and I have really appreciated your comments. If you have any ideas for tasks for after Easter, please let me know. Have a relaxing and well-deserved Easter break. Lots of love x

  2. Hi Mrs MacLeod

    I’ve been working hard this week. Me and JJ have been doing some Easter worksheets and activities my mum got from twinkl.

    Hope you have a good Easter break.

    Sophia Maxwell

    1. I’m pleased to hear that you are working hard on your different activities. Have a well deserved break and I will be back with you after the Easter 🐣 Break. Lots of love to you and your family. X

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