Doesn’t everyone look great? We had a lovely day working, developing skills and having fun at the same time. We have looked at Halloween co-ordinates, finished our silhouette artwork, decorated ginger bread biscuits, made origami ghosts and created glow in the dark magnets!! We’very been very busy with treats along the way
I hope that you have a fun and safe Halloween weekend. Take care
We were practising our dictionary skills and learning new words. Our dictionary skills are really improving! Today we were learning how to write a persuasive leaflet as well as learning more about the actions of Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks as part of Black History Month.
Today we were learning about some events and people that are important when learning about Black History. We looked at a timeline of Black History in Britain and found out that Queen Sophie Charlotte had African heritage. Our learning led to a discussion about how we felt, learning about how Black people were treated. This will help us to focus on the meanings of discrimination, prejudice and racism both in the past and in 21st Century.
Today we were learning about ways that animals have adapted to live in particular climate zones and we linked this with close procedure writing.
In number, we were using ordinal numbers to describe the positions of people in a line. It got trickier when they moved places or came out of the line!
During our art lesson today, we used our knowledge of tint and shade, but this time introduced tone to our work. Tone is created by adding grey to the focus colour. We are developing our skills in colour mixing and can add black and white more confidently to achieve the colour we want. I know that lots of you felt that your skills are improving so well done!
If you go on Sumdog before 4pm, it registers you as being at school and does not log your time accurately. Please be aware of this when you are doing your 20 minutes of Sumdog for homework!!
Today we have been learning about the features of a persuasive letter. We used our learning about climate zones to write a persuasive letter about the impact of global warming and climate change on the arctic, rainforest and desert zones.
This afternoon we had a very soggy introduction to ball skills in our outdoor PE lesson. We were thinking about how we throw, the power behind it and the readiness of our team mates! We know what our next steps are and we are determined to develop our skills in basketball .
Welcome back everyone. We started the day in the hall developing our movement skills by following the Cosmic Yoga moves. We linked the moves to our learning about camping – Escape from Black Mountain and owls – The Owl who was afraid of the Dark. It was great fun and as you can see from the photos, we were able to perform some excellent moves.
The homework for this week is assigned on Teams and we have discussed what to do. Please upload photos as the work is ready during the week. Thanks
We have enjoyed learning about the Emergency Services as part of our Developing a Young Workforce week. We have been interested in learning about the Police and Paramedic work through the clips that we watched and have a good idea of which situations are real emergencies and which situations are incidents which can be reported. Some of us are thinking that we might have the skills and talents to join the Emergency Services or become volunteers when we are older.
I hope that you have a well earned, relaxing October break and stay safe!