Today we watched a great art video by Cassie Stephens about the person behind the mask. We have finished the drawings of ourselves and are writing in the values and qualities that we have as individuals. We will use these next week when we think about how people have similarities and differences in their personalities.
Today we had our first school assembly. We sat in our own classes and watched the information on our class screen. We had our Star Pupils and Cool Class Cup winners announced which was great because we could all share in the success.
We were also learning about UNCRC Article 3 in our Rights lesson with Mrs Davidson and talking about the responsibility of adults to keep us safe.
Today we were writing instructions – How to make a face mask . We used different clues to work out the order of the steps, then wrote them as full instructions. We also matched diagrams to each step and finally we designed our own face masks.
This morning we were looking at our language work and thinking about what we are doing well and what our next steps might be. We decided that our handwriting needed some attention, so after practising some joins in class, we used the chalk to practise in the playground.
In the afternoon, we practised some dodging skills during our outdoor PE time.
You need to move your feet and your body to dodge your opponents. We put these skills into action in a game of tig where everyone is “it” at the same time!!
Please look out for some special homework on the main school blog, but for class homework please read Chapter 3 of Escape from Black Mountain and look at some reading books/ maths games on Activelearn and carry on trying to achieve skills levels in Sumdog. Remember that good accuracy means more rewards! Good luck 😉
Today we were learning about the UNCRC Article 1- all children under 18 have the Rights the UNCRC talks about, no matter who they are. We were thinking about how we respect others in different ways.
Here we are practising our spelling words by playing Hangman.
We signed up to respect the Rights that we have chosen for our Classroom Charter.
Our first outdoor PE lesson included some skills in balancing, following the playground instructions and learning how to play “Fish, Chips and Peas”.
For our main homework task, please see the main school blog.
Please continue to develop your maths skills on Sumdog and the Activelearn sites and please read Chapter 2 of Escape from Black Mountain which we read together in class. Thank you.