mardi le neuf juin

It’s Tuesday – what will you choose to do today?

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I hope that you will choose to go onto the Sumdog maths competition. RK, PM and NM took part and earned lots of coins as a reward! We need as many of the class to take part as possible, please. Also to PM and SR, you are gaining more levels on your Epic accounts, so very well done and keep up the good work. See the source image


  1. Which activity will you choose to practice your on/en spelling words?  Or you might want to try spelling and using your dramatic voice techniques to help spell the words. I can just imagine you all trying out this activity and it’s making me smile!

2. Your handwriting practice has revised letter formation, sizing , break letters and the different joins that need to be used. These skills should now be applied to every piece of written work to improve your confidence and success in using joined handwriting.

Here is another reminder of the joins that you’ve practised.

See the source image

Before you start the main activity, look at this video, highlight the adverbs and take the quiz to remind yourself of how adverbs are used in sentences  to add more detail to the verb.

2. Date and I can join my handwriting when practising using verbs and adverbs

This link reminds us of some common uses of adverbs, telling us how, when or where action happened.

3. Traffic light your handwriting skills – how are you getting on? I hope that you can see a difference in your presentation.


  1.   Go onto Sumdog and take part in the NLC maths competition for at least 10 minutes. Remember to take your time with the answers – it is accuracy that counts!
  2.  Continue to develop confidence and accuracy using  formal addition including addition of several numbers and number problems. Look at previous blogs to help you, if you need to see examples.

      Date and I can use the formal method of addition  for different   sorts of calculations

3. Traffic light and think about your additions – how many strategies did you use? Did you check your answers?

See the source image

4. This link takes you to a strategy game where you add numbers together to make a total.


I wanted to share this happiness calendar with you today as a way to help us all get through these days in lockdown. Even the simplest act can really make a difference to yourself and to others!

Remember that you guys always make me happy!See the source image

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