vendredi le cinq juin

Have you got that Friday feeling? Come on, let’s make Friday


Image result for Fabulous Friday Motivational Quotes

Congratulations to SR for making it to level 4 on Epic reading, collecting lots of achievement badges on her profile page. Well done!See the source image

  1.   Please ask someone to check your ow spelling words with you.        I hope that  you get them all correct!  See the source image

Today , 5 June is World Environment Day, an annual event which encourages everyone to do something to protect that planet and this year the theme is Time for Nature

See the source image

2. Today for your writing skills development in your jotter or on a pc, you going to

Write a  persuasive letter explaining why we need to protect the environment

This is a great link which demonstrates why we need to protect the environment.

There is plenty to do. Wildlife numbers have more than halved since 1970. In the same time, 270,000 square miles of the Amazon rainforest has disappeared; up to nine million tonnes of plastic have poured into the oceans, and the human population has doubled. Although air pollution has decreased, the World Health Organisation still lists it as the greatest environmental threat to human life.

Luckily, there are simple things you can do to help act for nature.

  • Reduce plastic use, reuse things, or buy them second-hand.
  • Save electricity by switching off lights and appliances. Save water by keeping showers short and not letting taps run.
  • Travel less – limit your travel when things go back to normal after the Coronavirus pandemic
  •   Walk or ride a bike
  •  Leave some wild green spaces in your garden  where pollinators and ground dwelling insects can thrive
  •  Avoid buying single-use plastics. Plastic waste that ends up in nature is often mistaken for food by animals both on land and at sea. For many species, it can cause severe injury and death
  •  Recycle as much as you can
  •  Plant an urban garden on your balcony, in a backyard or a    communal space to encourage wildlife especially bees.
  •  Use less household chemicals that can have toxic effects on soil

I have assigned some titles to your Epic account which you might find useful and there are lots of other titles about protecting the environment.

Here is a great link to help you organise your ideas

 For today’s letter, write your own address on the top right hand side  followed by the date and write to someone in your family.

Here is an example of how to set out your letter.

Persuasive letter checklist

  1. My introduction is strong and grabs the reader’s attention. What is the reason for your letter , what’s the topic or issue?
  2. My opinion is clearly stated
  3. I have a minimum of 3 clearly stated reasons that are backed up with details, facts, evidence and examples.
  4. My letter has a friendly and professional tone.
  5. I’ve used strong, emotive language – important, strongly, correct, destroy, vital, action
  6.  I’ve used persuasive phrases e.g. obviously, I’m sure you’ll agree that, it is clear that, the evidence shows that, etc
  7. My ideas are organised into clear paragraphs
  8. My spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct
  9. My letter is concise and to the point.
  10. My conclusion re-states my opinion and ties everything together.

3.  Traffic light and show someone your letter. Have you persuaded them about the importance of looking after the environment? Please ask them to put a comment onto your work thinking about the success criteria checklist above.


  1. Let’s start off with some mental maths skills

2. As today’s theme is nature, here is an investigation about insects 🐞  shown in a bar graph.

Write the date and I can use data information shown in a bar graph.  

Handy hint

  •  check the scale on the horizontal axis. How many insects does each box represent?
  • read each question carefully and decide which calculations you have to carry out in questions 2 and 3. Please show your working.

3. Traffic light and comment on your skills in reading bar graphs.

4. Finish by spending at least 10 minutes on Sumdog maths and try to finish the focus that you are currently working on.


As it’s World Environment Day, here is a link to a healthy, outdoor activity which you could try with your family – it gets you thinking about the colours in nature.

See the source image

Have a very happy, safe and relaxing weekend; and I’ll be back with you on Monday.

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