lundi le premier juin

A very happy Monday morning one and all!!   We are now is June, and meteorological summer starts today, but the weather has been really summery hasn’t it – beautiful blue skies and lots of warmth! I hope that you’ve been able to get outside and enjoy some sunshine  – yippee!

See the source image

Did you get chance to watch the rocket launch and the docking process with the International Space Station? Amazing events!!


It’s Monday, so here are your spelling words for this week. They all end in ow, and as you know these two letters have different phonemes (sounds) . In this case the sound is like O the capital letter.

1. Write your key words out in a colourful scribble design today.

See the source image

2. Write the date and I can spell ow words correctly in all activities.  Follow the instructions and remember to focus on your spelling.

This section includes syllables that we looked at previously.

3. Traffic light and comment on your spelling – any handy hints?


  1. Starter -Use this link to practise different number skills that we have been revising.

2.  Linking in with the fact that today is the first day of the month, we are going to revise ordinal numbers. These are the words that we use when describing the order or position  e.g. I was twelfth in the race and the add on letters when we write a number e.g. I was 12th in the race.

See the source image

2. Write the date and I can use ordinal numbers in real life situations.

Handy Hints

  • These questions only include the multiples of 10 but take care that  you write the ordinal number words correctly in section 4 .

3. Traffic light 🚦 and comment on your ordinal number learning.

4. Finishing task –  look at a line of goods on a shelf at home – kitchen, bathroom , bedroom , books or toys or you could even make up your own shelf of items and think about their order in a sequence.

In this example , on the top row, the hand soap is 3rd from the left. On the bottom row, Milk of Magnesia is 7th from the left.

Don’t forget to look at the WWF site. This week the focus is on jungles so that should be very interesting.

Well, everyone, its time to go so I’ll leave you with this thought-

See the source image

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