jeudi le quatorze mai

Here we are, we’ve arrived safely and we’re bright eyed ready to engage in our learning!

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Did you look at the Rights Respecting Assembly yesterday – all about Article 7? I really enjoyed listening to the story- The Name Jar and the importance of being proud of who we are and our heritage.

Well done to Ca B who has a fantastic avatar on Epic because he read after 7pm. If you click on each avatar with a lock on it, it will tell you what you have to do to open it! PM has also been reading- I liked your fiction choice!

Also well done to LF who has opened up several games on Activelearn. Remember that there are lots of different ways to practise your skills!


For your spelling practise you could make up a wordsearch of silent w words and play the game online.

Today, we are focusing on commas. We know that commas are used in:

lists  e.g.  At the zoo we saw tigers, zebras, hippos and penguins. We know that between the last two items in the list we do not put a comma, we just write “and”.

pauses e.g. After school, she needs to walk home. There is a pause and the comma also helps with expression when reading the sentence.

They are also used to enclose extra information (Parenthesis.)

The class won the Cool Class Cup. is a complete sentence, but we can add more interesting information using two commas.

 The class, which was the most well-behaved in the school, won the Cool Class Cup. This link gives you some examples and there is also a quiz at the end to check your understanding.

If we look at the page below, Unit 7, Using Commas, in the first example, the commas are used for pauses ( a little like a list of adjectives, but with extra information at the end) and the commas help us to read the information with a suitable sinister expression.

The second example tells us that – The shark has a terrible bite. This is a sentence which makes sense on its own. However, we can add extra interesting information by using the commas. The shark, with its black back and white stomach, has a terrible bite.

Write the date and I can add commas for pauses and to include extra information. Decide whether you need to add the comma as a pause or use two commas to enclose additional information.

In this section you need to read each sentence, decide what type of sentence it is, think about rules for capital letters and then apply today’s learning about the use of commas. Phew 😅  there’s a lot to think about!

There are a number of games here to help you practise your skills in using commas.


Like an elastic band, your brain will expand while it is being stretched!

Multiply using partition grids. These links will remind you how to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers using partition grids.

Now it’s time for you to apply the skill that you’ve been learning. Write the date and I can multiply using partition grids. Neatly draw out the grids in you jotter, giving yourself enough room to write in all of the numbers clearly.

I came across a link to the Viking exhibits at the British Museum which I thought you might like to explore.

I like the idea of us being strong and fearless like the Vikings, not worried about anything, but remember that if you are feeling worried, anxious, frustrated or upset – then Mrs McMillan’s “Take a Moment” breathing techniques are a great way to  relax. Here’s the latest – 4, 7, 8 breathing.


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