mardi le douze mai

Hi everyone, I hope that enjoyed a bit of down time over the long weekend. I miss all of you so much and wonder how you are doing. Remember that you can get in touch by leaving a comment in the box at the bottom of the post – I’d love to hear from you, and of course I’d like to hear your suggestions for aspects of literacy and numeracy that you’d like to practise, too!

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First of all some exciting news! This is a fantastic opportunity to get access to reading materials for free up to the end of June from a site called Epic.

Once you are on the site, I have set up our class, so you just need to click on the class and it will let you in. Click on the blue button rer5028  – this is our class code.

Then you select your own name and are good to go! It has assigned pictures to each name, but you can change your avatar if you go into your profile above your name on the top right hand side. You can select your own materials, to start off with, there are lots of different subjects and titles and enjoy exploring the site.

This link takes you to a calendar of different fun activities for May.


Spelling – our words this week all have a silent w. Choose a way to practise your words and make sure that you have spelt them correctly. For sections A and B, please date and write I can identify words with a silent w and complete the tasks neatly in your jotter.

The next task involves you identifying silent letters ( when you say the word, which letter sound in the word don’t you hear e.g. in crumb, the silent letter is b) and putting the words under the correct heading. It asks you to use a dictionary to look up the meaning of any words you don’t know. Here is a link to an online dictionary.


I hope that you are enjoying your mental maths workouts. When you look at the time question remember that we count around the clock in 5s.

Our place value focus today is negative numbers. Some of you looked at this in class, but I think we were all interested, so let’s all have a look at these links which show us how they work.

Put the date and I can calculate differences using negative numbers, neatly into your jotter. As you can see the first answer is shown in the top right hand corner, demonstrating that a negative number has a – minus sign in front of it. Choose the page that is most suitable for your level of learning., but you can do both only if you want to.

This page is an extension page and uses temperatures to practise. Please use this number line to help.

If the temperature is 5 degrees (°) and drops by 10 ° then we start at 5° and take away 5° so that we end up at 0, then have to take away another 5°, so we end up at -5°C . The answer is given at the top right hand side of the page.

Use these links to practise using negative numbers:

WWF are linking learning to the Frozen Worlds this week. If you have missed any of their previous clips on forests, coastal seas and freshwater, then you can always take a look.

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Here is the link to last week’s “Take a Moment”. Mrs McMillan is giving us all some great techniques to use at home, so take a look …… and take a moment to relax and refocus.

See you tomorrow, for another exciting day of home learning.

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