jeudi le sept mai

Welcome to Thursday, my great Primary 4/5 team !

Here’s a little rhyme for you to sing along with! It always makes me think about playtimes , home-time  and me asking you to zip up your coats before you go outside – it makes me smile!

Did you take part in the Assembly yesterday? You can still get involved through the school blog.

Our positions for the Sumdog competition are : LI – 6, PM- 7 and LF – 10. You’re doing well and your skills are improving so well done. Later today I will let you know how you’ve got on in spelling, grammar and maths on Sumdog this week.

There is no school tomorrow because of the long holiday weekend. We are having Friday as a holiday instead of last Monday because tomorrow it is 75 years since the war in Europe ended. It was not the end of World War 2, but it was hugely important.

This clip from a month before schools were shut, gives you some information about VE Day and some of the events that should have been taking place tomorrow. The day is still being remembered but now in different ways.

There are PowerPoints on Twinkl which give information of Scotland’s experience of the day, but unfortunately I can’t link them. Please check out the Twinkl Home Learning Hub for information.


How is your spelling this week? The spelling patterns are very similar, so you should be doing well. Please ask someone to check them with you and congratulate yourself if you do well.

Today’s literacy focus is a comprehension about VE Day in 1945. Read the information through carefully and make sure that you have understood the facts. Notice the quote from Winston Churchill, highlighted in bold and between quotation marks.

In your jotter, please write the date, I can describe some of the events of VE Day and answer these questions carefully.

  1.   Explain, in detail what the importance of VE Day was, what had ended?
  2. What was the role of General Jodl in the events?
  3. What does “the bell ringers were on standby” mean?
  4. In your own words, explain what effects the war in Europe had on Britain.
  5. What did Stalin do and how did this affect Churchill?
  6. What date was VE Day?
  7. Name two or more ways that people might have lost loved ones during the war in Europe.
  8. Describe how people celebrated VE Day.
  9.  Why did the princesses join the crowds in London?
  10.  Was this the end of the war? Explain your answer.
  11.   Why were 2 searchlights lit in the shape of a V?

As usual, please traffic light and comment on your skills.


Make up tunes to help you through, daily maths is here for you!

Today, you are going to do some problem solving using Morse Code which was an important method of communication during the war.

Here is an introduction to the invention and development of Morse Code

Here are the Morse Code signals that you will use to solve the puzzles.  Date, I can solve puzzles using Morse Code


You could try sending messages to your friends over the phone making the long and short sounds for each letter , or you could text a coded message. You could even send me a coded message in the comments section!

The Sumdog addition and subtraction competition closes at 3pm this afternoon, so good luck 😉 this week.

Just to leave you with a song that was very important to keep the spirits up during World War 2 and is just as important to us all now  as we wait to find out when we will be able to see each other again.

Have a lovely long weekend, stay safe and we’ll meet again ….through the power of the Blog,  on Tuesday!

See the source image


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