vendredi le treize mars

Today we completed 3 activities for Sports Relief as well as a special assembly and badminton coaching, so we have been very active. In the activity shown, we were designing a character based on a piece of sporting equipment. We thought about Rights 15, 24, 29 and 31 which link to us being able to relax and play, join groups and become the best we can be no matter what our abilities. We had fun creating some alliterative names for our characters. For photos of the other activities, please see the blogs for Primary 4 and Primary 5.

Have a great weekend!

mercredi l’onze mars

Here we are practising the times tables dance. The unit dances with the unit, then it dances with the ten, then with the hundred. Visualise the dance and it will help you with the stages of formal multiplication.

This afternoon we were using special metallic paint to decorate the clay pendants that we made last week. Some of the designs were a bit fiddly, so we had to change the brush sizes .

vendredi le six mars

Great singing today at the Pancake Breakfast- your performance was super!

In our badminton coaching session, we were practising a forehand serve over the net and working in teams to hit the shuttlecock over the net and land in the hoops to earn points. It is quite hard, but we are making progress each week.

jeudi le cinq mars

Thanks for bringing in your favourite book for World Book Day and explaining why you like your book so much.

We are looking forward to sharing our songs with you at the Pancake Breakfast 🥞 tomorrow morning. Looking forward to seeing you there, if you can make it.

mercredi le quatre mars

Today we were using some non- fiction text features to find information about Viking jewellery. The Vikings were proud of their appearance and wore different types of jewellery made from different precious metals and beads.

We used clay to design our own pendants based on the shape of Thor’s hammer, or round like a brooch. We also used modelling tools to help us shape and add designs to our work. We now need to wait until the clay dries before we can move onto the next step!

lundi le deuxieme mars

Today we were working with Mrs Keith on a new skill for learning- Problem Solving and Enquiry. We were thinking about all of the different thought processes that we might need in order to tackle the problem.

The problem set for us was to cover the desk using shapes.

Did the shapes tessellate?

Did we need to adapt and modify our ideas?

How would we plan and organise?

Were the resources we had working together to solve the problem?

We realised that we had to use different thought processes and think of other ways to help us solve the problems. In some cases, two groups had to combine to solve the problem!